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Categories / Java Book / 001 Language Basics

0122 Annotations (Metadata)

Annotations embeds supplemental information into a source file. An annotation does not change the semantics of a program. An annotation is created through a mechanism based on the interface. The following code declares an annotation called MyAnno: // A simple annotation type. @interface MyAnno { String str(); int val(); } @ precedes the keyword interface. All annotations have method declarations only. An annotation cannot include an extends clause. All annotation types automatically extend the Annotation interface. Annotation interface is a super-interface of all annotations. Annotation interface is declared within the java.lang.annotation package. Any type of declaration can have an annotation associated with it. For example, classes, methods, fields, parameters, and enum constants can be annotated. An annotation can be annotated as well. In all cases, the annotation precedes the rest of the declaration. When you apply an annotation, you give values to its members. For example, here is an example of MyAnno being applied to a class: // Annotate a method. @MyAnno(str = "Annotation Example", val = 100) public class Main{} This annotation is linked with the class Main.