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Implement a soap web application server and client

Title: implement a soap web application server and client? {####################################################################} { Invokable implementation File for Tconvert which implements Iconvert } {####################################################################} unit convertImpl; interface uses sysutils, adodb, InvokeRegistry, Types, XSBuiltIns, convertIntf; type { Tconvert } Tconvert = class(TInvokableClass, Iconvert) public function test(i: Integer): string; stdcall; function login(uid: string; pass: string): Boolean; stdcall; function drugmg(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall; function drugmt(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall; function drugsh(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall; function drugcod(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall; function druggb(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall; function drugho(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall; function drugmo(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall; function drugma(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall; function drugotc(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall; function drugotc_msg(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall; function drugtedp(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall; function drughsef(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall; function druggkh(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall; function druggfo(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall; function drugosef(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall; function drugvcod(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall; function drugmot1(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall; function drugmot2(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall; function drugjay1(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall; function drugjay2(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall; function drugtad1(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall; function drugtad2(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall; function drugtad3(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall; function drugtad4(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall; function drugtadmsg(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall; function drugfn(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall; function drugdoz(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall; function drugdas(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall; function drugtmp(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall; function druglastchange(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall; function drugrundat(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall; function drugchanger(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall; function drugnewpr(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall; function druglist(): string; stdcall; function currusernam(uid: string): string; stdcall; function curruserfam(uid: string): string; stdcall; function curruserlimit(uid: string): string; stdcall; function curruseraddr(uid: string): string; stdcall; function currusertel(uid: string): string; stdcall; function druginsert(values: string): Boolean; stdcall; function drugupdate(drugid: Integer; values: string): Boolean; stdcall; function drugdelete(drugid: Integer; values: string): Boolean; stdcall; function LOGINinsert(values: string): Boolean; stdcall; function LOGINupdate(drugid: Integer; values: string): Boolean; stdcall; function LOGINdelete(drugid: Integer; values: string): Boolean; stdcall; end; implementation function Tconvert.LOGINupdate(drugid: Integer; values: string): Boolean; var conn: tadoconnection; tmp: tadoquery; begin try conn := tadoconnection.Create(nil); conn.ConnectionString := 'Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=z200t68i;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=irdrug;Initial Catalog=irdrug_data'; conn.LoginPrompt := False; conn.Connected := True; except Result := False; end; try tmp := tadoquery.Create(nil); tmp.Connection := conn; tmp.Connection.BeginTrans; tmp.SQL.Clear; tmp.SQL.Add('UPDATE LOGIN SET ' + VALUES + ' WHERE UID=''' + IntToStr(DRUGID) + ''''); tmp.ExecSQL; tmp.Connection.CommitTrans; Result := True; except begin TMP.Connection.RollbackTrans; Result := False; end;//EXCEPT tmp.Free; conn.Connected := False; conn.Free; end;//TRY end;//insertfunc function Tconvert.drugupdate(drugid: Integer; values: string): Boolean; var conn: tadoconnection; tmp: tadoquery; begin try conn := tadoconnection.Create(nil); conn.ConnectionString := 'Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=z200t68i;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=irdrug;Initial Catalog=irdrug_data'; conn.LoginPrompt := False; conn.Connected := True; except Result := False; end; try tmp := tadoquery.Create(nil); tmp.Connection := conn; tmp.Connection.BeginTrans; tmp.SQL.Clear; tmp.SQL.Add('UPDATE drug SET ' + VALUES + ' WHERE DRUGID=''' + IntToStr(DRUGID) + ''''); tmp.ExecSQL; tmp.Connection.CommitTrans; Result := True; except begin TMP.Connection.RollbackTrans; Result := False; end;//EXCEPT tmp.Free; conn.Connected := False; conn.Free; end;//TRY end;//insertfunc function Tconvert.drugdelete(drugid: Integer; values: string): Boolean; var conn: tadoconnection; tmp: tadoquery; begin try conn := tadoconnection.Create(nil); conn.ConnectionString := 'Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=z200t68i;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=irdrug;Initial Catalog=irdrug_data'; conn.LoginPrompt := False; conn.Connected := True; except Result := False; end; try tmp := tadoquery.Create(nil); tmp.Connection := conn; tmp.Connection.BeginTrans; tmp.SQL.Clear; tmp.SQL.Add('DELETE FROM drug WHERE DRUGID=''' + IntToStr(DRUGID) + ''''); tmp.ExecSQL; tmp.Connection.CommitTrans; Result := True; except begin TMP.Connection.RollbackTrans; Result := False; end;//EXCEPT tmp.Free; conn.Connected := False; conn.Free; end;//TRY end;//insertfunc function Tconvert.LOGINdelete(drugid: Integer; values: string): Boolean; var conn: tadoconnection; tmp: tadoquery; begin try conn := tadoconnection.Create(nil); conn.ConnectionString := 'Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=z200t68i;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=irdrug;Initial Catalog=irdrug_data'; conn.LoginPrompt := False; conn.Connected := True; except Result := False; end; try tmp := tadoquery.Create(nil); tmp.Connection := conn; tmp.Connection.BeginTrans; tmp.SQL.Clear; tmp.SQL.Add('DELETE FROM LOGIN WHERE DRUGID=''' + IntToStr(DRUGID) + ''''); tmp.ExecSQL; tmp.Connection.CommitTrans; Result := True; except begin TMP.Connection.RollbackTrans; Result := False; end;//EXCEPT tmp.Free; conn.Connected := False; conn.Free; end;//TRY end;//insertfunc function Tconvert.druginsert(values: string): Boolean; var conn: tadoconnection; tmp: tadoquery; begin try conn := tadoconnection.Create(nil); conn.ConnectionString := 'Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=z200t68i;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=irdrug;Initial Catalog=irdrug_data'; conn.LoginPrompt := False; conn.Connected := True; except Result := False; end; try tmp := tadoquery.Create(nil); tmp.Connection := conn; tmp.Connection.BeginTrans; tmp.SQL.Clear; tmp.SQL.Add('insert into drug values(' + values + ')'); tmp.ExecSQL; tmp.Connection.CommitTrans; Result := True; except begin TMP.Connection.RollbackTrans; Result := False; end;//EXCEPT tmp.Free; conn.Connected := False; conn.Free; end;//TRY end;//insertfunc function Tconvert.LOGINinsert(values: string): Boolean; var conn: tadoconnection; tmp: tadoquery; begin try conn := tadoconnection.Create(nil); conn.ConnectionString := 'Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=z200t68i;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=irdrug;Initial Catalog=irdrug_data'; conn.LoginPrompt := False; conn.Connected := True; except Result := False; end; try tmp := tadoquery.Create(nil); tmp.Connection := conn; tmp.Connection.BeginTrans; tmp.SQL.Clear; tmp.SQL.Add('insert into LOGIN values(' + values + ')'); tmp.ExecSQL; tmp.Connection.CommitTrans; Result := True; except begin TMP.Connection.RollbackTrans; Result := False; end;//EXCEPT tmp.Free; conn.Connected := False; conn.Free; end;//TRY end;//insertfunc function Tconvert.curruseraddr(uid: string): string; var conn: tadoconnection; tmp: tadoquery; begin try conn := tadoconnection.Create(nil); conn.ConnectionString := 'Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=z200t68i;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=irdrug;Initial Catalog=irdrug_data'; conn.LoginPrompt := False; conn.Connected := True; except Result := 'Faild connection!'; end; tmp := tadoquery.Create(nil); tmp.Connection := conn; tmp.SQL.Clear; tmp.SQL.Add('select addr from login where (uid=N''' + uid + ''')'); tmp.ExecSQL; tmp.Open; Result := tmp.FieldByName('addr').AsString; tmp.Close; tmp.Free; conn.Connected := False; conn.Free; end;//func function Tconvert.currusertel(uid: string): string; var conn: tadoconnection; tmp: tadoquery; begin try conn := tadoconnection.Create(nil); conn.ConnectionString := 'Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=z200t68i;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=irdrug;Initial Catalog=irdrug_data'; conn.LoginPrompt := False; conn.Connected := True; except Result := 'Faild connection!'; end; tmp := tadoquery.Create(nil); tmp.Connection := conn; tmp.SQL.Clear; tmp.SQL.Add('select tel from login where (uid=N''' + uid + ''')'); tmp.ExecSQL; tmp.Open; Result := tmp.FieldByName('tel').AsString; tmp.Close; tmp.Free; conn.Connected := False; conn.Free; end;//func function Tconvert.curruserlimit(uid: string): string; var conn: tadoconnection; tmp: tadoquery; begin try conn := tadoconnection.Create(nil); conn.ConnectionString := 'Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=z200t68i;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=irdrug;Initial Catalog=irdrug_data'; conn.LoginPrompt := False; conn.Connected := True; except Result := 'Faild connection!'; end; tmp := tadoquery.Create(nil); tmp.Connection := conn; tmp.SQL.Clear; tmp.SQL.Add('select limit from login where (uid=N''' + uid + ''')'); tmp.ExecSQL; tmp.Open; Result := tmp.FieldByName('limit').AsString; tmp.Close; tmp.Free; conn.Connected := False; conn.Free; end;//func function Tconvert.curruserfam(uid: string): string; var conn: tadoconnection; tmp: tadoquery; begin try conn := tadoconnection.Create(nil); conn.ConnectionString := 'Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=z200t68i;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=irdrug;Initial Catalog=irdrug_data'; conn.LoginPrompt := False; conn.Connected := True; except Result := 'Faild connection!'; end; tmp := tadoquery.Create(nil); tmp.Connection := conn; tmp.SQL.Clear; tmp.SQL.Add('select fam from login where (uid=N''' + uid + ''')'); tmp.ExecSQL; tmp.Open; Result := tmp.FieldByName('fam').AsString; tmp.Close; tmp.Free; conn.Connected := False; conn.Free; end;//func function Tconvert.currusernam(uid: string): string; var conn: tadoconnection; tmp: tadoquery; begin try conn := tadoconnection.Create(nil); conn.ConnectionString := 'Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=z200t68i;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=irdrug;Initial Catalog=irdrug_data'; conn.LoginPrompt := False; conn.Connected := True; except Result := 'Faild connection!'; end; tmp := tadoquery.Create(nil); tmp.Connection := conn; tmp.SQL.Clear; tmp.SQL.Add('select nam from login where (uid=N''' + uid + ''')'); tmp.ExecSQL; tmp.Open; if tmp.IsEmpty then Result := 'Not found!' else Result := tmp.FieldByName('nam').AsString; tmp.Close; tmp.Free; conn.Connected := False; conn.Free; end;//func function tconvert.druglist(): string; var conn: tadoconnection; tmp: tadoquery; x: string; begin try conn := tadoconnection.Create(nil); conn.ConnectionString := 'Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=z200t68i;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=irdrug;Initial Catalog=irdrug_data'; conn.LoginPrompt := False; conn.Connected := True; except Result := 'Faild connection!'; end; tmp := tadoquery.Create(nil); tmp.Connection := conn; tmp.SQL.Clear; tmp.SQL.Add('select drugid from drug '); tmp.ExecSQL; tmp.Open; if tmp.IsEmpty then Result := 'Not Found!' else begin tmp.First; x := ''; while not tmp.EOF do begin x := x + tmp.FieldByName('drugid').AsString; tmp.Next; end; Result := x; end;//if tmp.Close; tmp.Free; conn.Connected := False; conn.Free; end; function tconvert.drugtmp(drugid: Integer): string; var conn: tadoconnection; tmp: tadoquery; begin try conn := tadoconnection.Create(nil); conn.ConnectionString := 'Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=z200t68i;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=irdrug;Initial Catalog=irdrug_data'; conn.LoginPrompt := False; conn.Connected := True; except Result := 'Faild connection!'; end; tmp := tadoquery.Create(nil); tmp.Connection := conn; tmp.SQL.Clear; tmp.SQL.Add('select tmp from drug where (drugid=N''' + IntToStr(drugid) + ''')'); tmp.ExecSQL; tmp.Open; if tmp.IsEmpty then Result := 'Not Found!' else Result := tmp.FieldByName('tmp').AsString; tmp.Close; tmp.Free; conn.Connected := False; conn.Free; end; function tconvert.druglastchange(drugid: Integer): string; var conn: tadoconnection; tmp: tadoquery; begin try conn := tadoconnection.Create(nil); conn.ConnectionString := 'Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=z200t68i;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=irdrug;Initial Catalog=irdrug_data'; conn.LoginPrompt := False; conn.Connected := True; except Result := 'Faild connection!'; end; tmp := tadoquery.Create(nil); tmp.Connection := conn; tmp.SQL.Clear; tmp.SQL.Add('select lastchange from drug where (drugid=N''' + IntToStr(drugid) + ''')'); tmp.ExecSQL; tmp.Open; if tmp.IsEmpty then Result := 'Not Found!' else Result := tmp.FieldByName('lastchange').AsString; tmp.Close; tmp.Free; conn.Connected := False; conn.Free; end; function tconvert.drugchanger(drugid: Integer): string; var conn: tadoconnection; tmp: tadoquery; begin try conn := tadoconnection.Create(nil); conn.ConnectionString := 'Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=z200t68i;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=irdrug;Initial Catalog=irdrug_data'; conn.LoginPrompt := False; conn.Connected := True; except Result := 'Faild connection!'; end; tmp := tadoquery.Create(nil); tmp.Connection := conn; tmp.SQL.Clear; tmp.SQL.Add('select changer from drug where (drugid=N''' + IntToStr(drugid) + ''')'); tmp.ExecSQL; tmp.Open; if tmp.IsEmpty then Result := 'Not Found!' else Result := tmp.FieldByName('changer').AsString; tmp.Close; tmp.Free; conn.Connected := False; conn.Free; end; function tconvert.drugrundat(drugid: Integer): string; var conn: tadoconnection; tmp: tadoquery; begin try conn := tadoconnection.Create(nil); conn.ConnectionString := 'Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=z200t68i;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=irdrug;Initial Catalog=irdrug_data'; conn.LoginPrompt := False; conn.Connected := True; except Result := 'Faild connection!'; end; tmp := tadoquery.Create(nil); tmp.Connection := conn; tmp.SQL.Clear; tmp.SQL.Add('select rundat from drug where (drugid=N''' + IntToStr(drugid) + ''')'); tmp.ExecSQL; tmp.Open; if tmp.IsEmpty then Result := 'Not Found!' else Result := tmp.FieldByName('rundat').AsString; tmp.Close; tmp.Free; conn.Connected := False; conn.Free; end; function tconvert.drugnewpr(drugid: Integer): string; var conn: tadoconnection; tmp: tadoquery; begin try conn := tadoconnection.Create(nil); conn.ConnectionString := 'Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=z200t68i;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=irdrug;Initial Catalog=irdrug_data'; conn.LoginPrompt := False; conn.Connected := True; except Result := 'Faild connection!'; end; tmp := tadoquery.Create(nil); tmp.Connection := conn; tmp.SQL.Clear; tmp.SQL.Add('select newpr from drug where (drugid=N''' + IntToStr(drugid) + ''')'); tmp.ExecSQL; tmp.Open; if tmp.IsEmpty then Result := 'Not Found!' else Result := tmp.FieldByName('newpr').AsString; tmp.Close; tmp.Free; conn.Connected := False; conn.Free; end; function tconvert.drugdas(drugid: Integer): string; var conn: tadoconnection; tmp: tadoquery; begin try conn := tadoconnection.Create(nil); conn.ConnectionString := 'Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=z200t68i;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=irdrug;Initial Catalog=irdrug_data'; conn.LoginPrompt := False; conn.Connected := True; except Result := 'Faild connection!'; end; tmp := tadoquery.Create(nil); tmp.Connection := conn; tmp.SQL.Clear; tmp.SQL.Add('select das from drug where (drugid=N''' + IntToStr(drugid) + ''')'); tmp.ExecSQL; tmp.Open; if tmp.IsEmpty then Result := 'Not Found!' else Result := tmp.FieldByName('das').AsString; tmp.Close; tmp.Free; conn.Connected := False; conn.Free; end; function tconvert.drugdoz(drugid: Integer): string; var conn: tadoconnection; tmp: tadoquery; begin try conn := tadoconnection.Create(nil); conn.ConnectionString := 'Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=z200t68i;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=irdrug;Initial Catalog=irdrug_data'; conn.LoginPrompt := False; conn.Connected := True; except Result := 'Faild connection!'; end; tmp := tadoquery.Create(nil); tmp.Connection := conn; tmp.SQL.Clear; tmp.SQL.Add('select doz from drug where (drugid=N''' + IntToStr(drugid) + ''')'); tmp.ExecSQL; tmp.Open; if tmp.IsEmpty then Result := 'Not Found!' else Result := tmp.FieldByName('doz').AsString; tmp.Close; tmp.Free; conn.Connected := False; conn.Free; end; function tconvert.drugfn(drugid: Integer): string; var conn: tadoconnection; tmp: tadoquery; begin try conn := tadoconnection.Create(nil); conn.ConnectionString := 'Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=z200t68i;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=irdrug;Initial Catalog=irdrug_data'; conn.LoginPrompt := False; conn.Connected := True; except Result := 'Faild connection!'; end; tmp := tadoquery.Create(nil); tmp.Connection := conn; tmp.SQL.Clear; tmp.SQL.Add('select fn from drug where (drugid=N''' + IntToStr(drugid) + ''')'); tmp.ExecSQL; tmp.Open; if tmp.IsEmpty then Result := 'Not Found!' else Result := tmp.FieldByName('fn').AsString; tmp.Close; tmp.Free; conn.Connected := False; conn.Free; end; function tconvert.drugtadmsg(drugid: Integer): string; var conn: tadoconnection; tmp: tadoquery; begin try conn := tadoconnection.Create(nil); conn.ConnectionString := 'Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=z200t68i;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=irdrug;Initial Catalog=irdrug_data'; conn.LoginPrompt := False; conn.Connected := True; except Result := 'Faild connection!'; end; tmp := tadoquery.Create(nil); tmp.Connection := conn; tmp.SQL.Clear; tmp.SQL.Add('select tadmsg from drug where (drugid=N''' + IntToStr(drugid) + ''')'); tmp.ExecSQL; tmp.Open; if tmp.IsEmpty then Result := 'Not Found!' else Result := tmp.FieldByName('tadmsg').AsString; tmp.Close; tmp.Free; conn.Connected := False; conn.Free; end; function tconvert.drugtad4(drugid: Integer): string; var conn: tadoconnection; tmp: tadoquery; begin try conn := tadoconnection.Create(nil); conn.ConnectionString := 'Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=z200t68i;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=irdrug;Initial Catalog=irdrug_data'; conn.LoginPrompt := False; conn.Connected := True; except Result := 'Faild connection!'; end; tmp := tadoquery.Create(nil); tmp.Connection := conn; tmp.SQL.Clear; tmp.SQL.Add('select tad4 from drug where (drugid=N''' + IntToStr(drugid) + ''')'); tmp.ExecSQL; tmp.Open; if tmp.IsEmpty then Result := 'Not Found!' else Result := tmp.FieldByName('tad4').AsString; tmp.Close; tmp.Free; conn.Connected := False; conn.Free; end; function tconvert.drugtad3(drugid: Integer): string; var conn: tadoconnection; tmp: tadoquery; begin try conn := tadoconnection.Create(nil); conn.ConnectionString := 'Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=z200t68i;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=irdrug;Initial Catalog=irdrug_data'; conn.LoginPrompt := False; conn.Connected := True; except Result := 'Faild connection!'; end; tmp := tadoquery.Create(nil); tmp.Connection := conn; tmp.SQL.Clear; tmp.SQL.Add('select tad3 from drug where (drugid=N''' + IntToStr(drugid) + ''')'); tmp.ExecSQL; tmp.Open; if tmp.IsEmpty then Result := 'Not Found!' else Result := tmp.FieldByName('tad3').AsString; tmp.Close; tmp.Free; conn.Connected := False; conn.Free; end; function tconvert.drugtad2(drugid: Integer): string; var conn: tadoconnection; tmp: tadoquery; begin try conn := tadoconnection.Create(nil); conn.ConnectionString := 'Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=z200t68i;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=irdrug;Initial Catalog=irdrug_data'; conn.LoginPrompt := False; conn.Connected := True; except Result := 'Faild connection!'; end; tmp := tadoquery.Create(nil); tmp.Connection := conn; tmp.SQL.Clear; tmp.SQL.Add('select tad2 from drug where (drugid=N''' + IntToStr(drugid) + ''')'); tmp.ExecSQL; tmp.Open; if tmp.IsEmpty then Result := 'Not Found!' else Result := tmp.FieldByName('tad2').AsString; tmp.Close; tmp.Free; conn.Connected := False; conn.Free; end; function tconvert.drugtad1(drugid: Integer): string; var conn: tadoconnection; tmp: tadoquery; begin try conn := tadoconnection.Create(nil); conn.ConnectionString := 'Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=z200t68i;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=irdrug;Initial Catalog=irdrug_data'; conn.LoginPrompt := False; conn.Connected := True; except Result := 'Faild connection!'; end; tmp := tadoquery.Create(nil); tmp.Connection := conn; tmp.SQL.Clear; tmp.SQL.Add('select tad1 from drug where (drugid=N''' + IntToStr(drugid) + ''')'); tmp.ExecSQL; tmp.Open; if tmp.IsEmpty then Result := 'Not Found!' else Result := tmp.FieldByName('tad1').AsString; tmp.Close; tmp.Free; conn.Connected := False; conn.Free; end; function tconvert.drugjay2(drugid: Integer): string; var conn: tadoconnection; tmp: tadoquery; begin try conn := tadoconnection.Create(nil); conn.ConnectionString := 'Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=z200t68i;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=irdrug;Initial Catalog=irdrug_data'; conn.LoginPrompt := False; conn.Connected := True; except Result := 'Faild connection!'; end; tmp := tadoquery.Create(nil); tmp.Connection := conn; tmp.SQL.Clear; tmp.SQL.Add('select jay2 from drug where (drugid=N''' + IntToStr(drugid) + ''')'); tmp.ExecSQL; tmp.Open; if tmp.IsEmpty then Result := 'Not Found!' else Result := tmp.FieldByName('jay2').AsString; tmp.Close; tmp.Free; conn.Connected := False; conn.Free; end; function tconvert.drugjay1(drugid: Integer): string; var conn: tadoconnection; tmp: tadoquery; begin try conn := tadoconnection.Create(nil); conn.ConnectionString := 'Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=z200t68i;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=irdrug;Initial Catalog=irdrug_data'; conn.LoginPrompt := False; conn.Connected := True; except Result := 'Faild connection!'; end; tmp := tadoquery.Create(nil); tmp.Connection := conn; tmp.SQL.Clear; tmp.SQL.Add('select jay1 from drug where (drugid=N''' + IntToStr(drugid) + ''')'); tmp.ExecSQL; tmp.Open; if tmp.IsEmpty then Result := 'Not Found!' else Result := tmp.FieldByName('jay1').AsString; tmp.Close; tmp.Free; conn.Connected := False; conn.Free; end; function tconvert.drugmot2(drugid: Integer): string; var conn: tadoconnection; tmp: tadoquery; begin try conn := tadoconnection.Create(nil); conn.ConnectionString := 'Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=z200t68i;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=irdrug;Initial Catalog=irdrug_data'; conn.LoginPrompt := False; conn.Connected := True; except Result := 'Faild connection!'; end; tmp := tadoquery.Create(nil); tmp.Connection := conn; tmp.SQL.Clear; tmp.SQL.Add('select mot2 from drug where (drugid=N''' + IntToStr(drugid) + ''')'); tmp.ExecSQL; tmp.Open; if tmp.IsEmpty then Result := 'Not Found!' else Result := tmp.FieldByName('mot2').AsString; tmp.Close; tmp.Free; conn.Connected := False; conn.Free; end; function tconvert.drugmot1(drugid: Integer): string; var conn: tadoconnection; tmp: tadoquery; begin try conn := tadoconnection.Create(nil); conn.ConnectionString := 'Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=z200t68i;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=irdrug;Initial Catalog=irdrug_data'; conn.LoginPrompt := False; conn.Connected := True; except Result := 'Faild connection!'; end; tmp := tadoquery.Create(nil); tmp.Connection := conn; tmp.SQL.Clear; tmp.SQL.Add('select mot1 from drug where (drugid=N''' + IntToStr(drugid) + ''')'); tmp.ExecSQL; tmp.Open; if tmp.IsEmpty then Result := 'Not Found!' else Result := tmp.FieldByName('mot1').AsString; tmp.Close; tmp.Free; conn.Connected := False; conn.Free; end; function tconvert.drugvcod(drugid: Integer): string; var conn: tadoconnection; tmp: tadoquery; begin try conn := tadoconnection.Create(nil); conn.ConnectionString := 'Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=z200t68i;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=irdrug;Initial Catalog=irdrug_data'; conn.LoginPrompt := False; conn.Connected := True; except Result := 'Faild connection!'; end; tmp := tadoquery.Create(nil); tmp.Connection := conn; tmp.SQL.Clear; tmp.SQL.Add('select vcod from drug where (drugid=N''' + IntToStr(drugid) + ''')'); tmp.ExecSQL; tmp.Open; if tmp.IsEmpty then Result := 'Not Found!' else Result := tmp.FieldByName('vcod').AsString; tmp.Close; tmp.Free; conn.Connected := False; conn.Free; end; function tconvert.drugosef(drugid: Integer): string; var conn: tadoconnection; tmp: tadoquery; begin try conn := tadoconnection.Create(nil); conn.ConnectionString := 'Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=z200t68i;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=irdrug;Initial Catalog=irdrug_data'; conn.LoginPrompt := False; conn.Connected := True; except Result := 'Faild connection!'; end; tmp := tadoquery.Create(nil); tmp.Connection := conn; tmp.SQL.Clear; tmp.SQL.Add('select osef from drug where (drugid=N''' + IntToStr(drugid) + ''')'); tmp.ExecSQL; tmp.Open; if tmp.IsEmpty then Result := 'Not Found!' else Result := tmp.FieldByName('osef').AsString; tmp.Close; tmp.Free; conn.Connected := False; conn.Free; end; function tconvert.druggfo(drugid: Integer): string; var conn: tadoconnection; tmp: tadoquery; begin try conn := tadoconnection.Create(nil); conn.ConnectionString := 'Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=z200t68i;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=irdrug;Initial Catalog=irdrug_data'; conn.LoginPrompt := False; conn.Connected := True; except Result := 'Faild connection!'; end; tmp := tadoquery.Create(nil); tmp.Connection := conn; tmp.SQL.Clear; tmp.SQL.Add('select gfo from drug where (drugid=N''' + IntToStr(drugid) + ''')'); tmp.ExecSQL; tmp.Open; if tmp.IsEmpty then Result := 'Not Found!' else Result := tmp.FieldByName('gfo').AsString; tmp.Close; tmp.Free; conn.Connected := False; conn.Free; end; function tconvert.druggkh(drugid: Integer): string; var conn: tadoconnection; tmp: tadoquery; begin try conn := tadoconnection.Create(nil); conn.ConnectionString := 'Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=z200t68i;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=irdrug;Initial Catalog=irdrug_data'; conn.LoginPrompt := False; conn.Connected := True; except Result := 'Faild connection!'; end; tmp := tadoquery.Create(nil); tmp.Connection := conn; tmp.SQL.Clear; tmp.SQL.Add('select gkh from drug where (drugid=N''' + IntToStr(drugid) + ''')'); tmp.ExecSQL; tmp.Open; if tmp.IsEmpty then Result := 'Not Found!' else Result := tmp.FieldByName('gkh').AsString; tmp.Close; tmp.Free; conn.Connected := False; conn.Free; end; function tconvert.drughsef(drugid: Integer): string; var conn: tadoconnection; tmp: tadoquery; begin try conn := tadoconnection.Create(nil); conn.ConnectionString := 'Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=z200t68i;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=irdrug;Initial Catalog=irdrug_data'; conn.LoginPrompt := False; conn.Connected := True; except Result := 'Faild connection!'; end; tmp := tadoquery.Create(nil); tmp.Connection := conn; tmp.SQL.Clear; tmp.SQL.Add('select hsef from drug where (drugid=N''' + IntToStr(drugid) + ''')'); tmp.ExecSQL; tmp.Open; if tmp.IsEmpty then Result := 'Not Found!' else Result := tmp.FieldByName('hsef').AsString; tmp.Close; tmp.Free; conn.Connected := False; conn.Free; end; function tconvert.drugtedp(drugid: Integer): string; var conn: tadoconnection; tmp: tadoquery; begin try conn := tadoconnection.Create(nil); conn.ConnectionString := 'Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=z200t68i;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=irdrug;Initial Catalog=irdrug_data'; conn.LoginPrompt := False; conn.Connected := True; except Result := 'Faild connection!'; end; tmp := tadoquery.Create(nil); tmp.Connection := conn; tmp.SQL.Clear; tmp.SQL.Add('select tedp from drug where (drugid=N''' + IntToStr(drugid) + ''')'); tmp.ExecSQL; tmp.Open; if tmp.IsEmpty then Result := 'Not Found!' else Result := tmp.FieldByName('tedp').AsString; tmp.Close; tmp.Free; conn.Connected := False; conn.Free; end; function tconvert.drugotc_msg(drugid: Integer): string; var conn: tadoconnection; tmp: tadoquery; begin try conn := tadoconnection.Create(nil); conn.ConnectionString := 'Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=z200t68i;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=irdrug;Initial Catalog=irdrug_data'; conn.LoginPrompt := False; conn.Connected := True; except Result := 'Faild connection!'; end; tmp := tadoquery.Create(nil); tmp.Connection := conn; tmp.SQL.Clear; tmp.SQL.Add('select otc_msg from drug where (drugid=N''' + IntToStr(drugid) + ''')'); tmp.ExecSQL; tmp.Open; if tmp.IsEmpty then Result := 'Not Found!' else Result := tmp.FieldByName('otc_msg').AsString; tmp.Close; tmp.Free; conn.Connected := False; conn.Free; end; function tconvert.drugotc(drugid: Integer): string; var conn: tadoconnection; tmp: tadoquery; begin try conn := tadoconnection.Create(nil); conn.ConnectionString := 'Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=z200t68i;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=irdrug;Initial Catalog=irdrug_data'; conn.LoginPrompt := False; conn.Connected := True; except Result := 'Faild connection!'; end; tmp := tadoquery.Create(nil); tmp.Connection := conn; tmp.SQL.Clear; tmp.SQL.Add('select otc from drug where (drugid=N''' + IntToStr(drugid) + ''')'); tmp.ExecSQL; tmp.Open; if tmp.IsEmpty then Result := 'Not Found!' else Result := tmp.FieldByName('otc').AsString; tmp.Close; tmp.Free; conn.Connected := False; conn.Free; end; function tconvert.drugma(drugid: Integer): string; var conn: tadoconnection; tmp: tadoquery; begin try conn := tadoconnection.Create(nil); conn.ConnectionString := 'Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=z200t68i;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=irdrug;Initial Catalog=irdrug_data'; conn.LoginPrompt := False; conn.Connected := True; except Result := 'Faild connection!'; end; tmp := tadoquery.Create(nil); tmp.Connection := conn; tmp.SQL.Clear; tmp.SQL.Add('select ma from drug where (drugid=N''' + IntToStr(drugid) + ''')'); tmp.ExecSQL; tmp.Open; if tmp.IsEmpty then Result := 'Not Found!' else Result := tmp.FieldByName('ma').AsString; tmp.Close; tmp.Free; conn.Connected := False; conn.Free; end; function tconvert.drugmo(drugid: Integer): string; var conn: tadoconnection; tmp: tadoquery; begin try conn := tadoconnection.Create(nil); conn.ConnectionString := 'Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=z200t68i;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=irdrug;Initial Catalog=irdrug_data'; conn.LoginPrompt := False; conn.Connected := True; except Result := 'Faild connection!'; end; tmp := tadoquery.Create(nil); tmp.Connection := conn; tmp.SQL.Clear; tmp.SQL.Add('select mo from drug where (drugid=N''' + IntToStr(drugid) + ''')'); tmp.ExecSQL; tmp.Open; if tmp.IsEmpty then Result := 'Not Found!' else Result := tmp.FieldByName('mo').AsString; tmp.Close; tmp.Free; conn.Connected := False; conn.Free; end; function tconvert.drugho(drugid: Integer): string; var conn: tadoconnection; tmp: tadoquery; begin try conn := tadoconnection.Create(nil); conn.ConnectionString := 'Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=z200t68i;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=irdrug;Initial Catalog=irdrug_data'; conn.LoginPrompt := False; conn.Connected := True; except Result := 'Faild connection!'; end; tmp := tadoquery.Create(nil); tmp.Connection := conn; tmp.SQL.Clear; tmp.SQL.Add('select ho from drug where (drugid=N''' + IntToStr(drugid) + ''')'); tmp.ExecSQL; tmp.Open; if tmp.IsEmpty then Result := 'Not Found!' else Result := tmp.FieldByName('ho').AsString; tmp.Close; tmp.Free; conn.Connected := False; conn.Free; end; function tconvert.druggb(drugid: Integer): string; var conn: tadoconnection; tmp: tadoquery; begin try conn := tadoconnection.Create(nil); conn.ConnectionString := 'Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=z200t68i;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=irdrug;Initial Catalog=irdrug_data'; conn.LoginPrompt := False; conn.Connected := True; except Result := 'Faild connection!'; end; tmp := tadoquery.Create(nil); tmp.Connection := conn; tmp.SQL.Clear; tmp.SQL.Add('select gb from drug where (drugid=N''' + IntToStr(drugid) + ''')'); tmp.ExecSQL; tmp.Open; if tmp.IsEmpty then Result := 'Not Found!' else Result := tmp.FieldByName('gb').AsString; tmp.Close; tmp.Free; conn.Connected := False; conn.Free; end; function tconvert.drugcod(drugid: Integer): string; var conn: tadoconnection; tmp: tadoquery; begin try conn := tadoconnection.Create(nil); conn.ConnectionString := 'Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=z200t68i;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=irdrug;Initial Catalog=irdrug_data'; conn.LoginPrompt := False; conn.Connected := True; except Result := 'Faild connection!'; end; tmp := tadoquery.Create(nil); tmp.Connection := conn; tmp.SQL.Clear; tmp.SQL.Add('select cod from drug where (drugid=N''' + IntToStr(drugid) + ''')'); tmp.ExecSQL; tmp.Open; if tmp.IsEmpty then Result := 'Not Found!' else Result := tmp.FieldByName('cod').AsString; tmp.Close; tmp.Free; conn.Connected := False; conn.Free; end; function tconvert.drugsh(drugid: Integer): string; var conn: tadoconnection; tmp: tadoquery; begin try conn := tadoconnection.Create(nil); conn.ConnectionString := 'Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=z200t68i;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=irdrug;Initial Catalog=irdrug_data'; conn.LoginPrompt := False; conn.Connected := True; except Result := 'Faild connection!'; end; tmp := tadoquery.Create(nil); tmp.Connection := conn; tmp.SQL.Clear; tmp.SQL.Add('select sh from drug where (drugid=N''' + IntToStr(drugid) + ''')'); tmp.ExecSQL; tmp.Open; if tmp.IsEmpty then Result := 'Not Found!' else Result := tmp.FieldByName('sh').AsString; tmp.Close; tmp.Free; conn.Connected := False; conn.Free; end; function tconvert.drugmt(drugid: Integer): string; var conn: tadoconnection; tmp: tadoquery; begin try conn := tadoconnection.Create(nil); conn.ConnectionString := 'Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=z200t68i;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=irdrug;Initial Catalog=irdrug_data'; conn.LoginPrompt := False; conn.Connected := True; except Result := 'Faild connection!'; end; tmp := tadoquery.Create(nil); tmp.Connection := conn; tmp.SQL.Clear; tmp.SQL.Add('select mt from drug where (drugid=N''' + IntToStr(drugid) + ''')'); tmp.ExecSQL; tmp.Open; if tmp.IsEmpty then Result := 'Not Found!' else Result := tmp.FieldByName('mt').AsString; tmp.Close; tmp.Free; conn.Connected := False; conn.Free; end; function tconvert.drugmg(drugid: Integer): string; var conn: tadoconnection; tmp: tadoquery; begin try conn := tadoconnection.Create(nil); conn.ConnectionString := 'Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=z200t68i;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=irdrug;Initial Catalog=irdrug_data'; conn.LoginPrompt := False; conn.Connected := True; except Result := 'Faild connection!'; end; tmp := tadoquery.Create(nil); tmp.Connection := conn; tmp.SQL.Clear; tmp.SQL.Add('select mg from drug where (drugid=N''' + IntToStr(drugid) + ''')'); tmp.ExecSQL; tmp.Open; if tmp.IsEmpty then Result := 'Not Found!' else Result := tmp.FieldByName('mg').AsString; tmp.Close; tmp.Free; conn.Connected := False; conn.Free; end; function tconvert.login(uid: string; pass: string): Boolean; var conn: tadoconnection; tmp: tadoquery; begin try conn := tadoconnection.Create(nil); conn.ConnectionString := 'Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=z200t68i;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=irdrug;Initial Catalog=irdrug_data'; conn.LoginPrompt := False; conn.Connected := True; except Result := False; end; tmp := tadoquery.Create(nil); tmp.Connection := conn; tmp.SQL.Clear; tmp.SQL.Add('select * from login where (uid=N''' + uid + ''') and (password=N''' + pass + ''')'); tmp.ExecSQL; tmp.Open; if tmp.IsEmpty then Result := False else Result := True; tmp.Close; tmp.Free; conn.Connected := False; conn.Free; end; function tconvert.test(i: Integer): string; begin case i of 0: Result := 'Zero'; 1: Result := 'one'; 2: Result := 'two'; 3: Result := 'three'; 4: Result := 'four'; 5: Result := 'five'; 6: Result := 'six'; 7: Result := 'seven'; 8: Result := 'eight'; 9: Result := 'nine'; else Result := 'out of range'; end; end; initialization { Invokable classes must be registered } InvRegistry.RegisterInvokableClass(Tconvert); end. {####################################################################} { Invokable interface Iconvert } {####################################################################} unit convertIntf; interface uses InvokeRegistry, Types, XSBuiltIns; type { Invokable interfaces must derive from IInvokable } Iconvert = interface(IInvokable) ['{9AC31ECA-37C4-42C2-9E9D-1E0117A8C746}'] function test(i: Integer): string; stdcall; function login(uid: string; pass: string): Boolean; stdcall; function drugmg(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall; function drugmt(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall; function drugsh(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall; function drugcod(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall; function druggb(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall; function drugho(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall; function drugmo(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall; function drugma(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall; function drugotc(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall; function drugotc_msg(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall; function drugtedp(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall; function drughsef(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall; function druggkh(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall; function druggfo(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall; function drugosef(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall; function drugvcod(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall; function drugmot1(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall; function drugmot2(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall; function drugjay1(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall; function drugjay2(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall; function drugtad1(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall; function drugtad2(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall; function drugtad3(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall; function drugtad4(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall; function drugtadmsg(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall; function drugfn(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall; function drugdoz(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall; function drugdas(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall; function drugtmp(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall; function druglastchange(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall; function drugrundat(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall; function drugchanger(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall; function drugnewpr(drugid: Integer): string; stdcall; function druglist(): string; stdcall; //list koliye drug id ha function currusernam(uid: string): string; stdcall; function curruserfam(uid: string): string; stdcall; function curruserlimit(uid: string): string; stdcall; function curruseraddr(uid: string): string; stdcall; function currusertel(uid: string): string; stdcall; function druginsert(values: string): Boolean; stdcall; function drugupdate(drugid: Integer; values: string): Boolean; stdcall; function drugdelete(drugid: Integer; values: string): Boolean; stdcall; function LOGINinsert(values: string): Boolean; stdcall; function LOGINupdate(drugid: Integer; values: string): Boolean; stdcall; function LOGINdelete(drugid: Integer; values: string): Boolean; stdcall; { Methods of Invokable interface must not use the default } { calling convention; stdcall is recommended } end; implementation initialization { Invokable interfaces must be registered } InvRegistry.RegisterInterface(TypeInfo(Iconvert)); end. {####################################################################} { SOAP WebModule } {####################################################################} unit Unit1; interface uses SysUtils, Classes, HTTPApp, InvokeRegistry, WSDLIntf, TypInfo, WebServExp, WSDLBind, XMLSchema, WSDLPub, SOAPPasInv, SOAPHTTPPasInv, SOAPHTTPDisp, WebBrokerSOAP; type TWebModule1 = class(TWebModule) HTTPSoapDispatcher1: THTTPSoapDispatcher; HTTPSoapPascalInvoker1: THTTPSoapPascalInvoker; WSDLHTMLPublish1: TWSDLHTMLPublish; procedure WebModule1DefaultHandlerAction(Sender: TObject; Request: TWebRequest; Response: TWebResponse; var Handled: Boolean); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end; var WebModule1: TWebModule1; implementation {$R *.dfm} procedure TWebModule1.WebModule1DefaultHandlerAction(Sender: TObject; Request: TWebRequest; Response: TWebResponse; var Handled: Boolean); begin WSDLHTMLPublish1.ServiceInfo(Sender, Request, Response, Handled); end; end. {####################################################################} unit Unit1; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, InvokeRegistry, StdCtrls, Rio, SOAPHTTPClient; type TForm1 = class(TForm) HTTPRIO1: THTTPRIO; Edit2: TEdit; Edit3: TEdit; Label2: TLabel; Label3: TLabel; Button2: TButton; Label4: TLabel; procedure Button2Click(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end; var Form1: TForm1; implementation uses convertIntf, mainmenu; {$R *.dfm} procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); var temp: iconvert; i: Integer; begin Form1.Visible := False; temp := httprio1 as iconvert; if temp.login(edit2.Text, edit3.Text) then label4.Caption := 'Login' else label4.Caption := 'Failed!'; // 1-admin 2- change drug,chage curr,insert drug,change price 3-iuser,uuser,current 4-change current i := StrToInt(temp.curruserlimit(edit2.Text)); FORM2.Label1.Caption := temp.currusernam(edit2.Text); FORM2.Label2.Caption := temp.curruserfam(edit2.Text); FORM2.Label3.Caption := temp.curruseraddr(edit2.Text); FORM2.Label4.Caption := temp.currusertel(edit2.Text); case i of 1: begin form2.iuser.Enabled := True; form2.uuser.Enabled := True; form2.curruser.Enabled := True; form2.udrug.Enabled := True; form2.idrug.Enabled := True; form2.rundat.Enabled := True; form2.Button7.Enabled := True; form2.Show; end; 2: begin form2.iuser.Enabled := False; form2.uuser.Enabled := False; form2.curruser.Enabled := True; form2.udrug.Enabled := True; form2.idrug.Enabled := True; form2.rundat.Enabled := True; form2.Button7.Enabled := True; form2.Show; end; 3: begin form2.iuser.Enabled := True; form2.uuser.Enabled := True; form2.curruser.Enabled := True; form2.udrug.Enabled := False; form2.idrug.Enabled := False; form2.rundat.Enabled := False; form2.Button7.Enabled := True; form2.Show; end; 4: begin form2.iuser.Enabled := False; form2.uuser.Enabled := False; form2.curruser.Enabled := True; form2.udrug.Enabled := False; form2.idrug.Enabled := False; form2.rundat.Enabled := False; form2.Button7.Enabled := True; form2.Show; end; else begin ShowMessage('Access Denided!'); halt; end; end;//case end; end. {####################################################################} unit adduser; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, InvokeRegistry, Rio, SOAPHTTPClient; type TForm3 = class(TForm) Label1: TLabel; Label2: TLabel; Label3: TLabel; Label4: TLabel; Label5: TLabel; Label6: TLabel; Label7: TLabel; Label8: TLabel; Edit1: TEdit; Edit2: TEdit; Edit3: TEdit; Edit4: TEdit; Edit5: TEdit; Edit6: TEdit; ComboBox1: TComboBox; Edit7: TEdit; Button1: TButton; Button2: TButton; HTTPRIO1: THTTPRIO; procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure Edit1Change(Sender: TObject); procedure Button2Click(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end; var Form3: TForm3; implementation uses convertIntf; {$R *.dfm} procedure TForm3.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var temp: iconvert; begin temp := httprio1 as iconvert; if temp.currusernam(edit1.Text) = 'Not found!' then button2.Enabled := True else button2.Enabled := False; end; procedure TForm3.Edit1Change(Sender: TObject); begin button2.Enabled := False; button1.Enabled := True; end; procedure TForm3.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); var temp: iconvert; s: string; begin temp := httprio1 as iconvert; s := ' N''' + edit1.Text + ''',N''' + edit2.Text + ''',' + IntToStr(combobox1.ItemIndex) + ',N''' + edit3.Text + ''',N''' + edit4.Text + ''',N''' + edit5.Text + ''',N''' + edit6.Text + ''',' + edit7.Text + ' '; if temp.LOGINinsert(s) then begin ShowMessage('saved'); edit1.Text := ''; edit2.Text := ''; edit3.Text := ''; edit4.Text := ''; edit5.Text := ''; edit6.Text := ''; edit7.Text := ''; combobox1.ItemIndex := 0; button2.Enabled := False; end else begin ShowMessage('Not saved!'); button2.Enabled := False; end; end; end.