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Where does this component derive from !

Title: Where does this component derive from ! Question: With RTTI from Object Pascal it''s possible to get all the parents from a class at runtime. Answer: function DerivesFrom(Sender:TObject; Sorted:boolean):TStrings; var ClassRef: TClass; Ancestorlist:TStringlist; SwitchList:TStringlist; Loopint:integer; begin Ancestorlist:=TStringlist.Create; ClassRef := Sender.ClassType; while ClassRef nil do begin Ancestorlist.Add(ClassRef.ClassName); ClassRef := ClassRef.ClassParent; end; if (not sorted) then begin Result:=Ancestorlist; exit; end else begin SwitchList:=TStringlist.create; for loopint:=Ancestorlist.Count-1 downto 0 do Switchlist.Add(Ancestorlist.Strings[loopint]); Ancestorlist.Free; Result:=SwitchList; end; end;