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VCL MS Word Spell Check and Thesaurus

Title: VCL MS Word Spell Check and Thesaurus Question: This is the VCL for Spell Checking and Synonyms using MS Word COM interface. It can correct and replace words in a text string,TMemo or TRichEdit using a built in replacement editor, or can be controlled by user dialog. I see there are other callable functions in the interface, which I have not implemented. Anyone see a use for any of them ?. property PartOfSpeechList: OleVariant read Get_PartOfSpeechList; property AntonymList: OleVariant read Get_AntonymList; property RelatedExpressionList: OleVariant read Get_RelatedExpressionList; property RelatedWordList: OleVariant read Get_RelatedWordList; This is a very new component so any bug reports or improvements are welcome. Example of checking and changing a Memo text ... SpellCheck.CheckMemoTextSpelling(Memo1); Properties ---------------- LetterChars - Characters considered to be letters. default is ['A'..'Z','a'..'z'] (English) but could be changed to ['A'..'Z','a'..'z','','','','',''] (Spanish) - Thanks to Mauricio Herrera for pointing this out. Color - Backgound color of Default dialog Editbox and Listbox CompletedMessage - enable/disable display of completed and count message dialog Font - Font of Default dialog Editbox and Listbox Language - Language used by GetSynonyms() method ReplaceDialog - Use Default replace dialog or User defined (see events) Active - Readonly, set at create time. Indicates if MS Word is available Methods ---------------- function GetSynonyms(StrWord : string; Synonyms : TStrings) : boolean; True if synonyms found for StrWord. Synonyms List is returned in TStrings (Synonyms). function CheckWordSpelling(StrWord : string; Suggestions : TStrings) : boolean; True if StrWord is spelt correctly. Suggested corrections returned in TStrings (Suggestions) procedure CheckTextSpelling(var StrText : string); Proccesses string StrText and allows users to change mispelt words via a Default replacement dialog or User defined calls. Words are changed and returned in StrText. Words in the text are changed automatically by the Default editor. Use the events if you want to control the dialog yourself. ie. Get the mispelt word, give a choice of sugesstions (BeforeCorrection), Change the word to corrected (OnCorrection) and possibly display "Was/Now" (AfterCorrection) procedure CheckRichTextSpelling(RichEdit : TRichEdit); Corrects misspelt words directly in TRichEdit.Text. Rich Format is maintained. procedure CheckMemoTextSpelling(Memo : TMemo); Corrects misspelt words directly into a TMemo.Text. Events (Mainly used when ReplaceDialog = repUser) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BeforeCorrection - Supplies the mispelt word along with a TStrings var containing suggested corrections. OnCorrection - Supplies the mispelt word as a VAR type allowing user to change it to desired word. The word will be replaced by this variable in the passed StrText. AfterCorrection - Supplies the mispelt word and what it has been changed to. Answer: unit SpellChk; interface // ============================================================================= // MS Word COM Interface to Spell Check and Synonyms // Mike Heydon Dec 2000 // // ============================================================================= uses Windows,SysUtils,Classes,ComObj,Dialogs,Forms,StdCtrls, Controls,Buttons,Graphics,ComCtrls; type // Event definitions TSpellCheckBeforeCorrection = procedure(Sender : TObject; MispeltWord : string; Suggestions : TStrings) of object; TSpellCheckAfterCorrection = procedure(Sender : TObject; MispeltWord : string; CorrectedWord : string) of object; TSpellCheckOnCorrection = procedure(Sender : TObject; var WordToCorrect : string) of object; // Property types TSpellCheckReplacement = (repDefault,repUser); TSpellCheckLetters = set of char; TSpellCheckLanguage = (wdLanguageNone,wdNoProofing,wdDanish,wdGerman, wdSwissGerman,wdEnglishAUS,wdEnglishUK,wdEnglishUS, wdEnglishCanadian,wdEnglishNewZealand, wdEnglishSouthAfrica,wdSpanish,wdFrench, wdFrenchCanadian,wdItalian,wdDutch,wdNorwegianBokmol, wdNorwegianNynorsk,wdBrazilianPortuguese, wdPortuguese,wdFinnish,wdSwedish,wdCatalan,wdGreek, wdTurkish,wdRussian,wdCzech,wdHungarian,wdPolish, wdSlovenian,wdBasque,wdMalaysian,wdJapanese,wdKorean, wdSimplifiedChinese,wdTraditionalChinese, wdSwissFrench,wdSesotho,wdTsonga,wdTswana,wdVenda, wdXhosa,wdZulu,wdAfrikaans,wdArabic,wdHebrew, wdSlovak,wdFarsi,wdRomanian,wdCroatian,wdUkrainian, wdByelorussian,wdEstonian,wdLatvian,wdMacedonian, wdSerbianLatin,wdSerbianCyrillic,wdIcelandic, wdBelgianFrench,wdBelgianDutch,wdBulgarian, wdMexicanSpanish,wdSpanishModernSort,wdSwissItalian); // Main TSpellcheck Class TSpellCheck = class(TComponent) private MsWordApp, MsSuggestions : OleVariant; FLetterChars : TSpellCheckLetters; FFont : TFont; FColor : TColor; FReplaceDialog : TSpellCheckReplacement; FCompletedMessage, FActive : boolean; FLanguage : TSpellCheckLanguage; FForm : TForm; FEbox : TEdit; FLbox : TListBox; FCancelBtn, FChangeBtn : TBitBtn; FBeforeCorrection : TSpellCheckBeforeCorrection; FAfterCorrection : TSpellCheckAfterCorrection; FOnCorrection : TSpellCheckOnCorrection; procedure SetFFont(NewValue : TFont); protected procedure MakeForm; procedure CloseForm; procedure SuggestedClick(Sender : TObject); public constructor Create(AOwner : TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; function GetSynonyms(StrWord : string; Synonyms : TStrings) : boolean; function CheckWordSpelling(StrWord : string; Suggestions : TStrings) : boolean; procedure CheckTextSpelling(var StrText : string); procedure CheckRichTextSpelling(RichEdit : TRichEdit); procedure CheckMemoTextSpelling(Memo : TMemo); property Active : boolean read FActive; property LetterChars : TSpellCheckletters read FLetterChars write FLetterChars; published property Language : TSpellCheckLanguage read FLanguage write FLanguage; property CompletedMessage : boolean read FCompletedMessage write FCompletedMessage; property Color : TColor read FColor write FColor; property Font : TFont read FFont write SetFFont; property BeforeCorrection : TSpellCheckBeforeCorrection read FBeforeCorrection write FBeforeCorrection; property AfterCorrection : TSpellCheckAfterCorrection read FAfterCorrection write FAfterCorrection; property OnCorrection : TSpellCheckOnCorrection read FOnCorrection write FOnCorrection; property ReplaceDialog : TSpellCheckReplacement read FReplaceDialog write FReplaceDialog; end; procedure Register; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- implementation // Mapped Hex values for ord(FLanguage) const LanguageArray : array [0..63] of integer = ($0,$400,$406,$407,$807,$C09,$809,$409, $1009,$1409,$1C09,$40A,$40C,$C0C,$410, $413,$414,$814,$416,$816,$40B,$41D,$403, $408,$41F,$419,$405,$40E,$415,$424,$42D, $43E,$411,$412,$804,$404,$100C,$430,$431, $432,$433,$434,$435,$436,$401,$40D,$41B, $429,$418,$41A,$422,$423,$425,$426,$42F, $81A,$C1A,$40F,$80C,$813,$402,$80A,$C0A,$810); // Change to Component Pallete of choice procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('Win95', [TSpellCheck]); end; // TSpellCheck constructor TSpellCheck.Create(AOwner : TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); // Defaults FLetterChars := ['A'..'Z','a'..'z']; FCompletedMessage := true; FColor := clWindow; FFont := TFont.Create; FReplaceDialog := repDefault; FLanguage := wdEnglishUS; // Don't create an ole server at design time if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) then begin try MsWordApp := CreateOleObject('Word.Application'); FActive := true; MsWordApp.Documents.Add; except on E: Exception do begin MessageDlg('Cannot Connect to MS Word',mtError,[mbOk],0); FActive := false; end; end; end; end; destructor TSpellCheck.Destroy; begin FFont.Free; if FActive and not (csDesigning in ComponentState)then begin MsWordApp.Quit; MsWordApp := VarNull; end; inherited Destroy; end; // ====================================== // Property Get/Set methods // ====================================== procedure TSpellCheck.SetFFont(NewValue : TFont); begin FFont.Assign(NewValue); end; // =========================================== // Return a list of synonyms for single word // =========================================== function TSpellCheck.GetSynonyms(StrWord : string; Synonyms : TStrings) : boolean; var SynInfo : OleVariant; i,j : integer; TS : OleVariant; Retvar : boolean; begin Synonyms.Clear; if FActive then begin SynInfo := MsWordApp.SynonymInfo[StrWord, LanguageArray[ord(FLanguage)]]; for i := 1 to SynInfo.MeaningCount do begin TS := SynInfo.SynonymList[i]; // Many thanks to Jose Luis Tirado for the length of // "Variant array of OLE strings" - TS // These arrays are always one dimension (otherwise we should // iterate through them using the VarArrayDimCount function) for j := VarArrayLowBound(TS, 1) to VarArrayHighBound(TS, 1) do Synonyms.Add(TS[j]); end; RetVar := SynInfo.Found; end else RetVar := false; Result := RetVar; end; // ======================================= // Check the spelling of a single word // Suggestions returned in TStrings // ======================================= function TSpellCheck.CheckWordSpelling(StrWord : string; Suggestions : TStrings) : boolean; var Retvar : boolean; i : integer; begin RetVar := false; Suggestions.Clear; if FActive then begin if MsWordApp.CheckSpelling(StrWord) then RetVar := true else begin MsSuggestions := MsWordApp.GetSpellingSuggestions(StrWord); for i := 1 to MsSuggestions.Count do Suggestions.Add(MsSuggestions.Item(i)); MsSuggestions := VarNull; end; end; Result := RetVar; end; // ====================================================== // Check the spelling text of a string with option to // Replace words. Correct string returned in var StrText // ====================================================== procedure TSpellCheck.CheckTextSpelling(var StrText : string); var StartPos,CurPos, WordsChanged : integer; ChkWord,UserWord : string; EoTxt : boolean; procedure GetNextWordStart; begin ChkWord := ''; // Thanx Tommi for bug fix while (StartPos (not (StrText[StartPos] in FLetterChars)) do inc(StartPos); CurPos := StartPos; end; begin if FActive and (length(StrText) 0) then begin MakeForm; StartPos := 1; EoTxt := false; WordsChanged := 0; GetNextWordStart; while not EoTxt do begin // Is it a letter ? if StrText[CurPos] in FLetterChars then begin ChkWord := ChkWord + StrText[CurPos]; inc(CurPos); end else begin // Word end found - check spelling if not CheckWordSpelling(ChkWord,FLbox.Items) then begin if Assigned(FBeforeCorrection) then FBeforeCorrection(self,ChkWord,FLbox.Items); // Default replacement dialog if FReplaceDialog = repDefault then begin FEbox.Text := ChkWord; FForm.ShowModal; if FForm.ModalResult = mrOk then begin // Change mispelt word Delete(StrText,StartPos,length(ChkWord)); Insert(FEbox.Text,StrText,StartPos); CurPos := StartPos + length(FEbox.Text); if ChkWord FEbox.Text then begin inc(WordsChanged); if Assigned(FAfterCorrection) then FAfterCorrection(self,ChkWord,FEbox.Text); end; end end else begin // User defined replacemnt routine UserWord := ChkWord; if Assigned(FOnCorrection) then FOnCorrection(self,UserWord); Delete(StrText,StartPos,length(ChkWord)); Insert(UserWord,StrText,StartPos); CurPos := StartPos + length(UserWord); if ChkWord UserWord then begin inc(WordsChanged); if Assigned(FAfterCorrection) then FAfterCorrection(self,ChkWord,UserWord); end; end; end; StartPos := CurPos; GetNextWordStart; EoTxt := (StartPos length(StrText)); end; end; CloseForm; if FCompletedMessage then MessageDlg('Spell Check Complete' + #13#10 + IntToStr(WordsChanged) + ' words changed',mtInformation,[mbOk],0); end else if not FActive then MessageDlg('Spell Check not Active',mtError,[mbOk],0) else if FCompletedMessage then MessageDlg('Spell Check Complete' + #13#10 + '0 words changed',mtInformation,[mbOk],0); end; // ============================================================= // Check the spelling of RichText with option to // Replace words (in situ replacement direct to RichEdit.Text) // Changed slightly to accomodate Win2000 (DefAttributes acts // differently to W98) // ============================================================= procedure TSpellCheck.CheckRichTextSpelling(RichEdit : TRichEdit); var StartPos,CurPos, WordsChanged : integer; StrText,ChkWord,UserWord : string; SaveHide, EoTxt : boolean; procedure GetNextWordStart; begin ChkWord := ''; while (not (StrText[StartPos] in FLetterChars)) and (StartPos CurPos := StartPos; end; begin SaveHide := RichEdit.HideSelection; RichEdit.HideSelection := false; StrText := RichEdit.Text; if FActive and (length(StrText) 0) then begin MakeForm; StartPos := 1; EoTxt := false; WordsChanged := 0; GetNextWordStart; while not EoTxt do begin // Is it a letter ? if StrText[CurPos] in FLetterChars then begin ChkWord := ChkWord + StrText[CurPos]; inc(CurPos); end else begin // Word end found - check spelling if not CheckWordSpelling(ChkWord,FLbox.Items) then begin if Assigned(FBeforeCorrection) then FBeforeCorrection(self,ChkWord,FLbox.Items); // Default replacement dialog if FReplaceDialog = repDefault then begin FEbox.Text := ChkWord; RichEdit.SelStart := StartPos - 1; RichEdit.SelLength := length(ChkWord); FForm.ShowModal; if FForm.ModalResult = mrOk then begin // Change mispelt word Delete(StrText,StartPos,length(ChkWord)); Insert(FEbox.Text,StrText,StartPos); CurPos := StartPos + length(FEbox.Text); RichEdit.SelText := FEbox.Text; if ChkWord FEbox.Text then begin inc(WordsChanged); if Assigned(FAfterCorrection) then FAfterCorrection(self,ChkWord,FEbox.Text); end; end end else begin // User defined replacemnt routine UserWord := ChkWord; RichEdit.SelStart := StartPos - 1; RichEdit.SelLength := length(ChkWord); if Assigned(FOnCorrection) then FOnCorrection(self,UserWord); Delete(StrText,StartPos,length(ChkWord)); Insert(UserWord,StrText,StartPos); CurPos := StartPos + length(UserWord); RichEdit.SelText := UserWord; if ChkWord UserWord then begin inc(WordsChanged); if Assigned(FAfterCorrection) then FAfterCorrection(self,ChkWord,UserWord); end; end; end; StartPos := CurPos; GetNextWordStart; EoTxt := (StartPos length(StrText)); end; end; CloseForm; RichEdit.HideSelection := SaveHide; if FCompletedMessage then MessageDlg('Spell Check Complete' + #13#10 + IntToStr(WordsChanged) + ' words changed',mtInformation,[mbOk],0); end else if not FActive then MessageDlg('Spell Check not Active',mtError,[mbOk],0) else if FCompletedMessage then MessageDlg('Spell Check Complete' + #13#10 + '0 words changed',mtInformation,[mbOk],0); end; // ============================================================= // Check the spelling of Memo with option to // Replace words (in situ replacement direct to Memo.Text) // ============================================================= procedure TSpellCheck.CheckMemoTextSpelling(Memo : TMemo); var StartPos,CurPos, WordsChanged : integer; StrText,ChkWord,UserWord : string; SaveHide, EoTxt : boolean; procedure GetNextWordStart; begin ChkWord := ''; while (not (StrText[StartPos] in FLetterChars)) and (StartPos CurPos := StartPos; end; begin SaveHide := Memo.HideSelection; Memo.HideSelection := false; StrText := Memo.Text; if FActive and (length(StrText) 0) then begin MakeForm; StartPos := 1; EoTxt := false; WordsChanged := 0; GetNextWordStart; while not EoTxt do begin // Is it a letter ? if StrText[CurPos] in FLetterChars then begin ChkWord := ChkWord + StrText[CurPos]; inc(CurPos); end else begin // Word end found - check spelling if not CheckWordSpelling(ChkWord,FLbox.Items) then begin if Assigned(FBeforeCorrection) then FBeforeCorrection(self,ChkWord,FLbox.Items); // Default replacement dialog if FReplaceDialog = repDefault then begin FEbox.Text := ChkWord; Memo.SelStart := StartPos - 1; Memo.SelLength := length(ChkWord); FForm.ShowModal; if FForm.ModalResult = mrOk then begin // Change mispelt word Delete(StrText,StartPos,length(ChkWord)); Insert(FEbox.Text,StrText,StartPos); CurPos := StartPos + length(FEbox.Text); Memo.SelText := FEbox.Text; if ChkWord FEbox.Text then begin inc(WordsChanged); if Assigned(FAfterCorrection) then FAfterCorrection(self,ChkWord,FEbox.Text); end; end end else begin // User defined replacemnt routine UserWord := ChkWord; Memo.SelStart := StartPos - 1; Memo.SelLength := length(ChkWord); if Assigned(FOnCorrection) then FOnCorrection(self,UserWord); Delete(StrText,StartPos,length(ChkWord)); Insert(UserWord,StrText,StartPos); CurPos := StartPos + length(UserWord); Memo.SelText := UserWord; if ChkWord UserWord then begin inc(WordsChanged); if Assigned(FAfterCorrection) then FAfterCorrection(self,ChkWord,UserWord); end; end; end; StartPos := CurPos; GetNextWordStart; EoTxt := (StartPos length(StrText)); end; end; Memo.HideSelection := SaveHide; CloseForm; if FCompletedMessage then MessageDlg('Spell Check Complete' + #13#10 + IntToStr(WordsChanged) + ' words changed',mtInformation,[mbOk],0); end else if not FActive then MessageDlg('Spell Check not Active',mtError,[mbOk],0) else if FCompletedMessage then MessageDlg('Spell Check Complete' + #13#10 + '0 words changed',mtInformation,[mbOk],0); end; // ========================================= // Create default replacement form // ========================================= procedure TSpellCheck.MakeForm; begin // Correction form container FForm := TForm.Create(nil); FForm.Position := poScreenCenter; FForm.BorderStyle := bsDialog; FForm.Height := 240; FForm.Width := 210; // Remove form's caption SetWindowLong(FForm.Handle,GWL_STYLE, GetWindowLong(FForm.Handle,GWL_STYLE) AND NOT WS_CAPTION); FForm.ClientHeight := FForm.Height; // Edit box of offending word FEbox := TEdit.Create(FForm); FEbox.Parent := FForm; FEbox.Top := 8; FEbox.Left := 8; FEbox.Width := 185; FEBox.Font := FFont; FEbox.Color := FColor; // Suggestion list box FLbox := TListBox.Create(FForm); FLbox.Parent := FForm; FLbox.Top := 32; FLbox.Left := 8; FLbox.Width := 185; FLbox.Height := 193; FLbox.Color := FColor; FLbox.Font := FFont; FLbox.OnClick := SuggestedClick; FLbox.OnDblClick := SuggestedClick; // Cancel Button FCancelBtn := TBitBtn.Create(FForm); FCancelBtn.Parent := FForm; FCancelBtn.Top := 232; FCancelBtn.Left := 8; FCancelBtn.Kind := bkCancel; FCancelBtn.Caption := 'Ignore'; // Change Button FChangeBtn := TBitBtn.Create(FForm); FChangeBtn.Parent := FForm; FChangeBtn.Top := 232; FChangeBtn.Left := 120; FChangeBtn.Kind := bkOk; FChangeBtn.Caption := 'Change'; end; // ============================================= // Close the correction form and free memory // ============================================= procedure TSpellCheck.CloseForm; begin FChangeBtn.Free; FCancelBtn.Free; FLbox.Free; FEbox.Free; FForm.Free; end; // ==================================================== // FLbox on click event to populate the edit box // with selected suggestion (OnClick/OnDblClick) // ==================================================== procedure TSpellCheck.SuggestedClick(Sender : TObject); begin FEbox.Text := FLbox.Items[FLbox.ItemIndex]; end; end.