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Using TValueListEditor

Title: Using TValueListEditor Question: You can use the TValueListEditor as a good interface for the user to view and edit values of an application. Answer: Suppose you have an editor program that doesn't has value list for toggle properties, then it will be hard to work with the program. the logical way to interact with these properties is to add a ValueList Editor that can help the the user for change the values. for example you can create a procedure for filling the values of the ValueListEditor. //create a Record or a class for the program type TAnItem = record //put your items here end; procedure FillValues(AItem: TAnItem); begin ValueListEditor.Strings.Clear //clear the List then reinsert values with ValueListEditor, Aiem do begin { add code to fill the values} InsertRow('Name', AItem.Name); Itemprop['Name'].ReadOnly := True; { . . . } end end; and other procedure to receive the input procedure Form1.SettextEdit(Sender: TObject; Row, Col: integer; var Value: String); begin if (ValueListEditor.Strings.Count 1) then {for preventing the execution of code if the FillValues trigger it} { add code to input values} end;