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TNavigatorComboBox a smart combobox with text completion

Title: TNavigatorComboBox : a smart combobox with text completion Question: This new ComboBox act like the URL list of Netscape or IExplorer. It is inherited form TCustomComboBox. Answer: TNavigatorComboBox: This component (installed in the 'Examples' tab) is designed to act like the URL list of Netscape or IExplorer. When you enter the first letter of a string that match an other string, the whole string is typed and selected. Use this component like a standard ComboBox. The strings to compare with are in the Items[] strings. With this component, you can change the time before the matching string is replaced. You can also change the matching method (case sensitive or not). I have seen other component doing this stuff in Delphi 3000. I have not used any of them to write my component. It is completly new. (Written and tested on Delphi 3, NT4) A sample program and a source code of the component is available. // -- Source code begin here --// unit T_NavigatorComboBox; {** ** T_NavigatorComboBox.pas ** This component is a ComboBox object acting like ** the URL combo box of IE4 or Netscape : When the first ** char match, the most similar string is appened and ** selected. ** ** Usage ** Drop the T_NavigatorComboBox component. Add items in Items[] property. ** It will be used for matching. ** ** Property ** _interval : the interval, in ms, of which the matching string will appear ** 0 : act like a standard combo box ** _MatchMethod : method of matching (Exactly, case insensitive) ** _OnItemMatch : event when a item matching the string is found. ** _OnChange, _OnKeyDown : like the events of TComboBox ** ** V1.0 September 2000 - J.FORESTIER **} interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls; type TMatchingMethod = (matchExactly, matchCaseInsensitive, matchCaseAnsiInsensitive, matchCaseOEMInsensitive); TMatchingEvent = procedure(Sender : TObject ; ItemIndex : integer) of object; type TNavigatorComboBox = class(TCustomComboBox) private { Dclarations prives } FTimerShow : TTimer; FMatchMethod : TMatchingMethod; FMatchMethodProc : function (const substr, str : string) : boolean ; FOnItemMatch : TMatchingEvent; GetOut : boolean; // Turned methods FOldComboChange : TNotifyEvent; FOldComboKeyDown : TKeyEvent; procedure SetInterval(interval : integer); function GetInterval : integer; procedure SetMatchMethod(mm : TMatchingMethod); procedure OnComboChange(Sender : TObject); procedure OnComboKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); procedure OnTimer(Sender : TObject); protected { Dclarations protges } public { Dclarations publiques } constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; property Canvas; property DroppedDown; published { Dclarations publies } property _Interval: Integer read GetInterval write SetInterval default 250; property _MatchMethod : TMatchingMethod read FMatchMethod write SetMatchMethod; property _OnChange : TNotifyEvent read FOldComboChange write FOldComboChange ; property _OnKeyDown : TKeyEvent read FOldComboKeyDown write FOldComboKeyDown; property _OnItemMatch : TMatchingEvent read FOnItemMatch write FOnItemMatch; property Color; property Ctl3D; property DragMode; property DragCursor; property DropDownCount; property Enabled; property Font; property ImeMode; property ImeName; property ItemHeight; property Items; property MaxLength; property ParentColor; property ParentCtl3D; property ParentFont; property ParentShowHint; property PopupMenu; property ShowHint; property Sorted; property TabOrder; property TabStop; property Text; property Visible; property OnClick; property OnDblClick; property OnDragDrop; property OnDragOver; property OnDrawItem; property OnDropDown; property OnEndDrag; property OnEnter; property OnExit; property OnKeyPress; property OnKeyUp; property OnMeasureItem; property OnStartDrag; end; procedure Register; implementation procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('Exemples', [TNavigatorComboBox]); end; {** Matching method **} function StrBeginWith_Exactly(const substr, str : string) : boolean; // Return TRUE if str begin with substr var i : integer; trouve : integer; begin if (str = '') or (substr = '') or (length(substr) length(str)) then begin result := false; end else begin trouve := 0; for i := 1 to length(substr) do begin if (substr[i] = str[i]) then begin trouve := 1; end else begin trouve := 0; break; end; end; result := (trouve = 1); end; end; procedure RemoveAccentEx(var str : string); var i : integer; p : integer; const Accents = ''; NoAccents = 'AAAAAACEEEEIIIIDNOOOOOOUUUUYBaaaaaaceeeeiiiionoooooouuuuyby'; begin for i := 1 to length(str) do begin p := pos(str[i], Accents); if (p 0) then str[i] := NoAccents[p]; end; end; function StrBeginWith_MatchCase(const substr, str : string) : boolean; begin result := StrBeginWith_Exactly(UpperCase(substr), UpperCase(str)); end; function StrBeginWith_MatchCaseAnsi(const substr, str : string) : boolean; var S1, S2 : string; begin s1 := AnsiUpperCase(substr); RemoveAccentEx(S1); s2 := AnsiUpperCase(str); RemoveAccentEx(S2); result := StrBeginWith_Exactly(s1, s2); end; function StrBeginWith_MatchCaseOEM(const substr, str : string) : boolean; var s1, s2 : PCHAR; begin // This function is bugged... GetMem(s1, length(substr) * sizeof(char)); GetMem(s2, length(str) * sizeof(char)); OemToChar(PCHAR(substr), s1); OemToChar(PCHAR(str), s2); result := StrBeginWith_Exactly(s1, s2); Freemem(s1); freemem(s2); end; constructor TNavigatorComboBox.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); FTimerShow := TTimer.Create(Self); FTimerShow.Enabled := false; FTimerShow.OnTimer := OnTimer; SetMatchMethod(matchExactly); SetInterval(250); Style := csDropDown; OnChange := OnComboChange; OnKeyDown := OnComboKeyDown; end; destructor TNavigatorComboBox.Destroy; begin FTimerShow.Free; FTimerShow := nil; inherited Destroy; end; procedure TNavigatorComboBox.SetInterval(interval : integer); begin FTimerShow.Interval := interval; end; function TNavigatorComboBox.GetInterval : integer; begin result := FTimerShow.Interval; end; procedure TNavigatorComboBox.SetMatchMethod(mm : TMatchingMethod); begin FMatchMethod := mm; case FMatchMethod of matchExactly : FMatchMethodProc := StrBeginWith_Exactly; matchCaseInSensitive : FMatchMethodProc := StrBeginWith_MatchCase; matchCaseAnsiInSensitive : FMatchMethodProc := StrBeginWith_MatchCaseAnsi; matchCaseOEMInSensitive : FMatchMethodProc := StrBeginWith_MatchCaseOEM; end; end; procedure TNavigatorComboBox.OnComboChange(Sender : TObject); begin if (Assigned(FOldComboChange)) then FOldComboChange(Sender); FTimerShow.Enabled := false; if (GetOut) then begin exit; end; GetOut := true; FTimerShow.Enabled := true; end; procedure TNavigatorComboBox.OnComboKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); begin if (key = 8) then begin GetOut := true; end else GetOut := false; if (Assigned(FOldComboKeyDown)) then FOldComboKeyDown(Sender, Key, Shift); end; procedure TNavigatorComboBox.OnTimer(Sender : TObject); var s : string; t : string; i : integer; idx : integer; {$IFDEF DEBUG} TI : longint; {$ENDIF} begin s := Text; t := ''; idx := -1; // Match {$IFDEF DEBUG} TI := GetTickCount; {$ENDIF} for i := 0 to Items.Count - 1 do begin if (FMatchMethodProc(s, Items[i])) then begin t := Items[i]; idx := i; break; end; end; if (idx -1) then begin if (FMatchMethod matchExactly) then begin Text := text + copy(t, length(text)+1, length(t)); end else begin end; ItemIndex := idx; SelStart := Length(s); SelLength := Length(t); end; {$IFDEF DEBUG} TI := GetTickCount - TI; Writeln(Format('TNavigatorComboBox.Match %s(%d) in %dms',[t, idx, TI])); {$ENDIF} if (Assigned(_OnItemMatch)) then FOnItemMatch(self, idx); GetOut := false; FTimerShow.Enabled := false; end; end.