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Stream multiple components to clipboard

Title: stream multiple components to clipboard? { Clipboard has methods GetComponent and SetComponent but we need to stream multiple components to the clipboard to include copy paste type of feature. Die Zwischenablage hat die Methoden GetComponent and SetComponent aber wir wollen mehrere Komponenten in die Zwischenablage speichern und wieder auslesen. } procedure CopyStreamToClipboard(fmt: Cardinal; S: TStream); var hMem: THandle; pMem: Pointer; begin S.Position := 0; hMem := GlobalAlloc(GHND or GMEM_DDESHARE, S.Size); if hMem 0 then begin pMem := GlobalLock(hMem); if pMem nil then begin S.Read(pMem^, S.Size); S.Position := 0; GlobalUnlock(hMem); Clipboard.Open; try Clipboard.SetAsHandle(fmt, hMem); finally Clipboard.Close; end; end { If } else begin GlobalFree(hMem); OutOfMemoryError; end; end { If } else OutOfMemoryError; end; { CopyStreamToClipboard } procedure CopyStreamFromClipboard(fmt: Cardinal; S: TStream); var hMem: THandle; pMem: Pointer; begin hMem := Clipboard.GetAsHandle(fmt); if hMem 0 then begin pMem := GlobalLock(hMem); if pMem nil then begin S.Write(pMem^, GlobalSize(hMem)); S.Position := 0; GlobalUnlock(hMem); end { If } else raise Exception.Create('CopyStreamFromClipboard: could not lock global handle ' + 'obtained from clipboard!'); end; { If } end; { CopyStreamFromClipboard }