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Sort a TListView using the CustomSort method

Title: sort a TListView using the CustomSort method? { This example shows how to use the TListView's CustomSort method to sort the items in the list using a ordering function. This allows you to sort custom data in the correct order you want. When the user clicks on a column header, the ListView will be sorted by that column. If the user clicks on the same column again, the sort order will be toggled. (***) Dieses Beispiel zeigt die Verwendung der CustomSort Methode einer TListView. Damit kann man z.B Zahlen korrekt (d.h nach ihrer Grösse) sortieren lassen. Wenn der Anwender auf den Kopf einer Spalte klickt, wird die ensprechende Spalte sortiert. Bei nochmaligem Klicken auf dieselbe Spalte wird die Sortierreihenfolge umgekehrt. } { custom sort styles } type TCustomSortStyle = (cssAlphaNum, cssNumeric, cssDateTime); var { variable to hold the sort style } LvSortStyle: TCustomSortStyle; { array to hold the sort order } LvSortOrder: array[0..4] of Boolean; // High[LvSortOrder] = Number of Lv Columns implementation {$R *.DFM} function CustomSortProc(Item1, Item2: TListItem; SortColumn: Integer): Integer; stdcall; var s1, s2: string; i1, i2: Integer; r1, r2: Boolean; d1, d2: TDateTime; { Helper functions } function IsValidNumber(AString : string; var AInteger : Integer): Boolean; var Code: Integer; begin Val(AString, AInteger, Code); Result := (Code = 0); end; function IsValidDate(AString : string; var ADateTime : TDateTime): Boolean; begin Result := True; try ADateTime := StrToDateTime(AString); except ADateTime := 0; Result := False; end; end; function CompareDates(dt1, dt2: TDateTime): Integer; begin if (dt1 dt2) then Result := 1 else if (dt1 = dt2) then Result := 0 else Result := -1; end; function CompareNumeric(AInt1, AInt2: Integer): Integer; begin if AInt1 AInt2 then Result := 1 else if AInt1 = AInt2 then Result := 0 else Result := -1; end; begin Result := 0; if (Item1 = nil) or (Item2 = nil) then Exit; case SortColumn of -1 : { Compare Captions } begin s1 := Item1.Caption; s2 := Item2.Caption; end; else { Compare Subitems } begin s1 := ''; s2 := ''; { Check Range } if (SortColumn then s1 := Item1.SubItems[SortColumn]; if (SortColumn then s2 := Item2.SubItems[SortColumn] end; end; { Sort styles } case LvSortStyle of cssAlphaNum : Result := lstrcmp(PChar(s1), PChar(s2)); cssNumeric : begin r1 := IsValidNumber(s1, i1); r2 := IsValidNumber(s2, i2); Result := ord(r1 or r2); if Result 0 then Result := CompareNumeric(i2, i1); end; cssDateTime : begin r1 := IsValidDate(s1, d1); r2 := IsValidDate(s2, d2); Result := ord(r1 or r2); if Result 0 then Result := CompareDates(d1, d2); end; end; { Sort direction } if LvSortOrder[SortColumn + 1] then Result := - Result; end; { The ListView's OnColumnClick event } procedure TForm1.ListView1ColumnClick(Sender: TObject; Column: TListColumn); begin { determine the sort style } if Column.Index = 0 then LvSortStyle := cssAlphaNum else LvSortStyle := cssNumeric; { Call the CustomSort method } ListView1.CustomSort(@CustomSortProc, Column.Index -1); { Set the sort order for the column} LvSortOrder[Column.Index] := not LvSortOrder[Column.Index]; end;