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Categories / Delphi / VCL

Show Columns in a TListBox using Tabulators of different widths

Title: show Columns in a TListBox using Tabulators of different widths? procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); const // The maximum number of Tabs // Die Anzahl der maximal aufretenen Tabs eintragen MAX_TABS = 4; Tab = #9; var Tabulators: array[0..MAX_TABS] of Integer; begin { Set the Tabulator Widths / Tabulatorweiten festlegen} Tabulators[0] := 70; Tabulators[1] := 120; Tabulators[2] := 100; Tabulators[3] := 80; Listbox1.TabWidth := 1; { Set the Tabulators / Tabulatoren setzen } SendMessage(ListBox1.Handle, LB_SETTABSTOPS, MAX_TABS, Longint(@Tabulators)); { Add some Items / Items hinzufügen.} Listbox1.Items.Add('Peter' + Tab + 'Meier' + Tab + '1234-56' + Tab + 'Otzlingen'); Listbox1.Items.Add('Johann Jones' + Tab + 'Krauter' + Tab + '123-45'); end;