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Show bullets in a TRichEdit

Title: show bullets in a TRichEdit? uses RichEdit; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var fmt: TParaformat2; begin FillChar(fmt, SizeOf(fmt), 0); fmt.cbSize := SizeOf(fmt); // The PARAFORMAT2 structure is used to set the numbering style. // This is done through the following structure members: fmt.dwMask := PFM_NUMBERING or PFM_NUMBERINGSTART or PFM_NUMBERINGSTYLE or PFM_NUMBERINGTAB; // Set the following values (bitwise-or them together) to identify // which of the remaining structure members are valid: // PFM_NUMBERING, PFM_NUMBERINGSTART, PFM_NUMBERINGSTYLE, and PFM_NUMBERINGTAB fmt.wNumbering := 2; //0 no numbering or bullets //1 (PFN_BULLET) uses bullet character //2 Uses Arabic numbers (1, 2, 3, ...). //3 Uses lowercase letters (a, b, c, ...). //4 Uses uppercase letters (A, B, C, ...). //5 Uses lowercase Roman numerals (i, ii, iii, ...). //6 Uses uppercase Roman numerals (I, II, III, ...). //7 Uses a sequence of characters beginning with the Unicode // character specified by the wNumberingStart member. fmt.wNumberingStart := 1; // Starting value for numbering. fmt.wNumberingStyle := $200; // Styles for numbering: // 0 : Follows the number with a right parenthesis. 1) // $100 : Encloses the number in parentheses. (1) // $200 : Follows the number with a period. 1. // $300 : Displays only the number. 1 // $400 : Continues a numbered list without applying the next number or bullet. // $8000 : Starts a new number with wNumberingStart. fmt.wNumberingTab := 1440 div 4; // Minimum space between a paragraph number and the paragraph text, in twips RichEdit1.Perform(EM_SETPARAFORMAT, 0, lParam(@fmt)); end;