Mega Code Archive

Categories / Delphi / VCL

Show a tpanel with roundrect shape

//This code make all of your panell on form look better... procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); const bgcolor = $00FFDDEE; linecolor = $00554366; var img: array of TImage; reg: hrgn; i: Integer; begin for i := 0 to ComponentCount - 1 do begin if Components[i].ClassName = 'TPanel' then begin setlength(img, Length(img) + 1); img[i] := TImage.Create(Self); img[i].Width := (Components[i] as TPanel).Width; img[i].Height := (Components[i] as TPanel).Height; img[i].Parent := (Components[i] as TPanel); img[i].Canvas.Brush.Color := bgcolor; img[i].Canvas.pen.Color := bgcolor; img[i].Canvas.Rectangle(0,0,img[i].Width, img[i].Height); img[i].Canvas.pen.Color := linecolor; img[i].Canvas.RoundRect(0,0,img[i].Width - 1,img[i].Height - 1,20,20); reg := CreateRoundRectRgn(0,0,(Components[i] as TPanel).Width, (Components[i] as TPanel).Height, 20,20); setwindowrgn((Components[i] as TPanel).Handle, reg, True); deleteobject(reg); end; end; end;