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Show a messagebox with a dont show this message again-checkbox

Example call: Beispielaufruf: procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var askNoMore : Boolean; begin askNoMore:= False; MessageDlgWithNoMorebox('Delete File?','Would you like to delete this file?', mtConfirmation, [mbOK, mbCancel], 1, 0, askNoMore); end; {== MyDialogs =========================================================} {: Collects modified dialog functions @author Dr. Peter Below @desc Version: 1.0 Created: 07.06.98<BR> Version 1.01 created 4 Juli 2001, added translation of button captions.<BR> Last modified 4 Juli 2001<P> } {======================================================================} unit MyDialogs; interface uses Dialogs; function DefMessageDlg(const aCaption : string; const Msg : string; DlgType : TMsgDlgType; Buttons : TMsgDlgButtons; DefButton : integer; HelpCtx : longint): integer; function MessageDlgWithNoMorebox(const aCaption : string; const Msg : string; DlgType : TMsgDlgType; Buttons : TMsgDlgButtons; DefButton : integer; HelpCtx : longint; var askNoMore : boolean): integer; implementation uses Windows, Classes, Controls, stdctrls, sysutils, forms; const { Copied from Dialogs } ModalResults : array[TMsgDlgBtn] of integer = (mrYes, mrNo, mrOk, mrCancel, mrAbort, mrRetry, mrIgnore, mrAll, mrNoToAll, mrYesToAll, 0); var { Filled during unit initialization } ButtonCaptions : array[TMsgDlgBtn] of string; { Convert a modal result to a TMsgDlgBtn code. } function ModalResultToBtn(res : TModalResult): TMsgDlgBtn; begin for Result := Low(Result) to High(Result) do begin if ModalResults[Result] = res then Exit; end; { For } Result := mbHelp; // to remove warning only Assert(False, 'ModalResultToBtn: unknown modalresult ' + IntToStr(res)); end; { ModalResultToBtn } { When the button captions on the message form are translated the button size and as a consequence the button positions need to be adjusted. } procedure AdjustButtons(aForm : TForm); var buttons : TList; btnWidth : integer; btnGap : integer; procedure CollectButtons; var i : integer; begin for i := 0 to aForm.Controlcount - 1 do if aForm.Controls[i] is TButton then buttons.Add(aForm.Controls[i]); end; { CollectButtons } procedure MeasureButtons; var i : integer; textrect : TRect; w : integer; begin btnWidth := TButton(buttons[0]).Width; aForm.Canvas.Font := aForm.Font; for i := 0 to buttons.Count - 1 do begin TextRect := Rect(0, 0, 0, 0); Windows.DrawText(aform.canvas.handle, PChar(TButton(buttons[i]).Caption), - 1, TextRect, DT_CALCRECT or DT_LEFT or DT_SINGLELINE); with TextRect do w := Right - Left + 16; if w > btnWidth then btnWidth := w; end; { For } if buttons.Count > 1 then btnGap := TButton(buttons[1]).Left - TButton(buttons[0]).Left - TButton(buttons[0]).Width else btnGap := 0; end; { MeasureButtons } procedure SizeButtons; var i : integer; begin for i := 0 to buttons.Count - 1 do TButton(buttons[i]).Width := btnWidth; end; { SizeButtons } procedure ArrangeButtons; var i : integer; total, left : integer; begin total := (buttons.Count - 1) * btnGap; for i := 0 to buttons.Count - 1 do Inc(total, TButton(buttons[i]).Width); left := (aForm.ClientWidth - total) div 2; if left < 0 then begin aForm.Width := aForm.Width + 2 * Abs(left) + 16; left := 8; end; { If } for i := 0 to buttons.Count - 1 do begin TButton(buttons[i]).Left := left; Inc(left, btnWidth + btnGap); end; end; { ArrangeButtons } begin buttons := TList.Create; try CollectButtons; if buttons.Count = 0 then Exit; MeasureButtons; SizeButtons; ArrangeButtons; finally buttons.Free; end; { finally } end; { AdjustButtons } procedure InitMsgForm(aForm : TForm; const aCaption : string; helpCtx : longint; DefButton : integer); var i : integer; btn : TButton; begin with aForm do begin if Length(aCaption) > 0 then Caption := aCaption; HelpContext := HelpCtx; for i := 0 to ComponentCount - 1 do begin if Components[i] is TButton then begin btn := TButton(Components[i]); btn.Default := btn.ModalResult = DefButton; if btn.Default then ActiveControl := Btn; {$IFNDEF STANDARDCAPTIONS} btn.Caption := ButtonCaptions[ModalResultToBtn(btn.Modalresult)]; {$ENDIF} end; end; { For } {$IFNDEF STANDARDCAPTIONS} AdjustButtons(aForm); {$ENDIF} end; end; { InitMsgForm } {-- DefMessageDlg -----------------------------------------------------} {: Creates a MessageDlg with translated button captions and a configurable default button and caption. @Param aCaption Caption to use for the dialog. If empty the default is used. @Param Msg message to display @Param DlgType type of dialog, see MessageDlg online help @Param Buttons buttons to display, see MessageDlg online help @Param DefButton ModalResult of the button that should be the default. @Param HelpCtx help context (optional) @Returns the ModalResult of the dialog }{ Created 07.06.1998 by P. Below, modified 04.07.2001 -----------------------------------------------------------------------} function DefMessageDlg(const aCaption : string; const Msg : string; DlgType : TMsgDlgType; Buttons : TMsgDlgButtons; DefButton : integer; HelpCtx : longint): integer; var aForm : TForm; begin { DefMessageDlg } aForm := CreateMessageDialog(Msg, DlgType, Buttons); try InitMsgForm(aForm, aCaption, helpCtx, DefButton); Result := aForm.ShowModal; finally aForm.Free; end; end; { DefMessageDlg } resourcestring {$IFDEF GERMAN} AskNoMoreCaption = 'Diesen Dialog nicht mehr anzeigen'; {$ELSE} AskNoMoreCaption = 'Don''t show this dialog again'; {$ENDIF} {-- MessageDlgWithNoMorebox -------------------------------------------} {: Creates a MessageDlg with translated button captions and a configurable default button and caption. @Param aCaption Caption to use for the dialog. If empty the default is used. @Param Msg message to display @Param DlgType type of dialog, see MessageDlg online help @Param Buttons buttons to display, see MessageDlg online help @Param DefButton ModalResult of the button that should be the default. @Param HelpCtx help context (optional) @Param askNoMore if this is passed in as True the function will directly return the DefButton result. Otherwise a checkbox is shown beneath the buttons which the user can check to not have this dialog show up in the future. Its checked state is returned in the parameter. @Returns the ModalResult of the dialog }{ Created 4.7.2001 by P. Below -----------------------------------------------------------------------} function MessageDlgWithNoMorebox(const aCaption : string; const Msg : string; DlgType : TMsgDlgType; Buttons : TMsgDlgButtons; DefButton : integer; HelpCtx : longint; var askNoMore : boolean): integer; var aForm : TForm; chk : TCheckbox; begin { MessageDlgWithNoMorebox } if askNoMore then Result := DefButton else begin aForm := CreateMessageDialog(Msg, DlgType, Buttons); try InitMsgForm(aForm, aCaption, helpCtx, DefButton); chk := TCheckbox.Create(aForm); chk.Parent := aForm; chk.SetBounds(16, aForm.ClientHeight, aForm.Clientwidth - 32, chk.Height); chk.Checked := False; chk.Caption := AskNoMoreCaption; AForm.Height := aForm.Height + chk.Height + 8; Result := aForm.ShowModal; askNoMore := chk.Checked; finally aForm.Free; end; end; end; { MessageDlgWithNoMorebox } resourcestring {$IFDEF GERMAN} cmbYes = '&Ja'; cmbNo = '&Nein'; cmbOK = 'OK'; cmbCancel = 'Abbrechen'; cmbHelp = '&Hilfe'; cmbAbort = '&Abbrechen'; cmbRetry = '&Wiederholen'; cmbIgnore = '&Ignorieren'; cmbAll = '&Alle'; cmbNoToAll = 'N&ein für alle'; cmbYesToAll = 'Ja für &alle'; {$ELSE} cmbYes = '&Yes'; cmbNo = '&No'; cmbOK = 'OK'; cmbCancel = 'Cancel'; cmbHelp = '&Help'; cmbAbort = '&Abort'; cmbRetry = '&Retry'; cmbIgnore = '&Ignore'; cmbAll = '&All'; cmbNoToAll = 'N&o to All'; cmbYesToAll = 'Yes to &All'; {$ENDIF} procedure InitButtonCaptions; begin ButtonCaptions[mbYes] := cmbYes; ButtonCaptions[mbNo] := cmbNo; ButtonCaptions[mbOK] := cmbOK; ButtonCaptions[mbCancel] := cmbCancel; ButtonCaptions[mbAbort] := cmbAbort; ButtonCaptions[mbRetry] := cmbRetry; ButtonCaptions[mbIgnore] := cmbIgnore; ButtonCaptions[mbAll] := cmbAll; ButtonCaptions[mbNoToAll] := cmbNoToAll; ButtonCaptions[mbYesToAll] := cmbYesToAll; ButtonCaptions[mbHelp] := cmbHelp; end; { InitButtonCaptions } initialization InitButtonCaptions; end.