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Replace data to a TStringGrid Column By Title

Title: Replace data to a TStringGrid Column By Title Question: Replace the data in a cell using the Column Title. Answer: This is a procedure that calls a function. The function is used to return the column number of the cell in row O that has StringData as it's title or -1 if it fails: function ColByTitle(fGridName: TStringGrid; StringData: string): LongInt; begin Result:=fGridName.Rows[0].IndexOf(StringData); // thanks Eber end; In the Column with Title = Column Title and Row = Arow replace the data with StringData. If ARow is blank (default) or -1 then replace the last row. procedure TFHGrid.AddByColumnTitle(fGridName: TStringGrid; ColumnTitle, StringData: string; ARow: LongInt = -1); begin with TStringGrid(fGridName) do begin if ColByTitle(fGridName, ColumnTitle) = 0 then // find the column title if ARow = -1 then Cells[ColByTitle(fGridName, ColumnTitle), RowCount -1] := StringData // replce the LAST row else Cells[ColByTitle(fGridName, ColumnTitle), ARow] := StringData; // replace the selected row end; end;