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Removing drives listed in a tdrivecombobox

Question: On many laptop computers, there is a possibility that no floppy drive is installed. Is it possible to remove drives that are listed in the TDriveComboBox component to avoid listing non existent drives? Answer: The following example demonstrates removing drives that are not ready for use from the TDriveComboBox component. Note that on many computers, there will be a significant delay in checking for a plug and play floppy drive. Example: procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); var i : integer; OldErrorMode : Word; OldDirectory : string; begin OldErrorMode := SetErrorMode(SEM_NOOPENFILEERRORBOX); GetDir(0, OldDirectory); i := 0; while i <= DriveComboBox1.Items.Count - 1 do begin {$I-} ChDir(DriveComboBox1.Items[i][1] + ':\'); {$I+} if IoResult <> 0 then DriveComboBox1.Items.Delete(i) else inc(i); end; ChDir(OldDirectory); SetErrorMode(OldErrorMode); end;