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Modifing a TQuery using common VCL components

Title: Modifing a TQuery using common VCL components Question: Imagine you have a big table, you need to give the end user search capability and network trafic is a problem. In this case we can use an TComboBox to determine which column to search and TEditBox for the search criteria. Answer: table structure: | CODE | NAME | LOCATION | GENDER | Needed 1) a form 2) TQuery named MyQuery 3) TDBGrid or other db aware fields, TDataSource, DataModule etc. 4) TEditBox named edtSelect 5) TComboBox named cbSelect 6) TBitButton named bbtnSelect (to fire the query) 7) Some global variables SString -- string RecordsRetrieved -- integer 8) A statusbar (optional) The Query is a parametrized type. Properties: SQL = Select CODE, NAME, LOCATION, TYPE from MYTABLE MYTABLE where CODE like :SearchString Active = false Parameters -- SearchString -- ftString As mentioned before, cbSelect will indicate the column searched. In the sql statement the column is located after 'where' Items of cbSelect: CODE NAME LOCATION GENDER Events: On form create procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin inherited; SString :='%%'; cbSelect.ItemIndex := 0; end; Typing in the search criteria in the TeditBox procedure TForm1.edtSelectChange(Sender: TObject); begin inherited; SString := '%' + edtSelect.Text + '%'; end; Firing the query procedure TForm1.bbtnSelectClick(Sender: TObject); begin inherited; with Myquery do begin close; SQL.Clear; SQL.Add('SELECT CODE, NAME, LOCATION, TYPE'); SQL.Add('FROM MYTABLE MYTABLE'); case cbSelect.ItemIndex of 0: begin SQL.Add('WHERE CODE LIKE :SearchString'); ParamByName('SearchString').AsString := SString; end; 1: begin SQL.Add('WHERE NAME LIKE :SearchString'); ParamByName('SearchString').AsString := SString; end; 2: begin SQL.Add('WHERE LOCATION LIKE :SearchString'); ParamByName('SearchString').AsString := SString; end; 3: begin SString := 'M'; edtSelect.Text:= 'M'; SQL.Add('WHERE GENDER = "M"'); end; 4: begin SString := 'F'; edtSelect.Text:= 'F'; SQL.Add('WHERE GENDER = "F"'); end; End; {case} SQL.Add('ORDER BY CODE, GENDER'); open; end; { with } RecordsRetrieved := MyQuery.RecordCount; sbStatusBar.Panels[2].text:= IntToStr(RecordsRetrieved) + ' Records'; //update statusbar end; The user do not have to use wildcards to find for example edward, any character will satisfy the search. Leaving the edtSelect blank, will retrieve all the records.