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Categories / Delphi / VCL

Making a delphi dll with as little in the uses clause as possible

Question: I want to create a small dynamic link library that contains only a few small functions. I do not need any additional units, but Delphi insists that the uses clause is incorrect if I remove the standard uses clause. The code does compile to a very small dll if I do remove the uses clause. May I disregard the error when I load the project? Answer: While it is ok to disregard the error, it would be better to create a unit that would contain the code for your functions. This way the main project file can have a uses statement that will satisfy the IDE. Example: (* Main project file *) library Project1; uses Unit1; exports AddLong index 1 name 'ADDLONG' resident; begin end. (* unit1's code *) unit Unit1; interface function AddLong(a : longint; b : longint) : longint {$IFDEF Win32} stdcall; {$ELSE} ; export; {$ENDIF} implementation function AddLong(a : longint; b : longint) : longint; begin AddLong := a + b; end; end.