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Implement a filter mechanism for a stringgrid

Title: implement a filter mechanism for a stringgrid? // Filter Liste zum sichern des Gridinhalt // save the original content var FilterList : TStringList; // Filter setzen // set the filter procedure TForm1.SetFilter(ACol:Integer;Exp:String); var I,Counter:Integer; begin FilterList:=TStringList.Create; With Grid do begin //Filterliste mit Gridinhalt füllen For I := FixedRows To RowCount - 1 Do FilterList.Add(Rows[I].Text); //Grid filtern Counter:=FixedRows; For I := FixedRows To RowCount - 1 Do Begin If Cells[ACol,I] Exp Then Begin Rows[I].Clear; end Else begin If Counter I Then Begin Rows[Counter].Assign(Rows[I]); Rows[I].Clear; End; Inc(Counter); End; End; RowCount:=Counter; End; end; // Gridinhalt wiederherstellen // restore the original content procedure TForm1.RestoreFilter; var I:Integer; begin With Grid do begin RowCount:=FixedRows+FilterList.Count; For I:=0 To FilterList.Count - 1 Do Rows[FixedRows+I].Text := FilterList.Strings[I]; End; FilterList.Free; end; //Example procedure TForm1.BtnSetFilterClick(Sender: TObject); begin //Grid nach Zellinhalt der markierten Zelle filtern SetFilter(Grid.Col,Grid.Cells[Grid.Col,Grid.Row]); end; procedure TForm1.BtnRestoreFilterClick(Sender: TObject); begin RestoreFilter; end;