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How to use Subscript or Superscript in a TRichEdit

Title: How to use Subscript or Superscript in a TRichEdit // yOffset values type TCharacterFormat = (CFM_Superscript, CFM_Subscript, CFM_Normal); procedure RE_SetCharFormat(RichEdit: TRichEdit; CharacterFormat: TCharacterFormat); var // The CHARFORMAT structure contains information about // character formatting in a rich edit control. Format: TCharFormat; begin FillChar(Format, SizeOf(Format), 0); with Format do begin cbSize := SizeOf(Format); dwMask := CFM_OFFSET; // Character offset, in twips, from the baseline. // If the value of this member is positive, // the character is a superscript; // if it is negative, the character is a subscript. case CharacterFormat of CFM_Superscript: yOffset := 60; CFM_Subscript: yOffset := -60; CFM_Normal: yOffset := 0; end; end; // The EM_SETCHARFORMAT message sets character formatting in a rich edit control. // SCF_SELECTION: Applies the formatting to the current selection Richedit.Perform(EM_SETCHARFORMAT, SCF_SELECTION, Longint(@Format)); end; // Examples: // Beispiele: // Apply Superscript to the current selection // Markierte Zeichen hoch stellen procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin RE_SetCharFormat(RichEdit1, CFM_Superscript); end; // Apply Subscript to the current selection // Markierte Zeichen tief stellen procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); begin RE_SetCharFormat(RichEdit1, CFM_Subscript); end;