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How to sort a TListView using the CustomSort method

Title: How to sort a TListView using the CustomSort method type TCustomSortStyle = (cssAlphaNum, cssNumeric, cssDateTime); var { variable to hold the sort style } LvSortStyle: TCustomSortStyle; { array to hold the sort order } LvSortOrder: array[0..4] of Boolean; // High[LvSortOrder] = Number of Lv Columns implementation {$R *.DFM} function CustomSortProc(Item1, Item2: TListItem; SortColumn: Integer): Integer; stdcall; var s1, s2: string; i1, i2: Integer; r1, r2: Boolean; d1, d2: TDateTime; { Helper functions } function IsValidNumber(AString : string; var AInteger : Integer): Boolean; var Code: Integer; begin Val(AString, AInteger, Code); Result := (Code = 0); end; function IsValidDate(AString : string; var ADateTime : TDateTime): Boolean; begin Result := True; try ADateTime := StrToDateTime(AString); except ADateTime := 0; Result := False; end; end; function CompareDates(dt1, dt2: TDateTime): Integer; begin if (dt1 dt2) then Result := 1 else if (dt1 = dt2) then Result := 0 else Result := -1; end; function CompareNumeric(AInt1, AInt2: Integer): Integer; begin if AInt1 AInt2 then Result := 1 else if AInt1 = AInt2 then Result := 0 else Result := -1; end; begin Result := 0; if (Item1 = nil) or (Item2 = nil) then Exit; case SortColumn of -1 : { Compare Captions } begin s1 := Item1.Caption; s2 := Item2.Caption; end; else { Compare Subitems } begin s1 := ''; s2 := ''; { Check Range } if (SortColumn .SubItems.Count) then s1 := Item1.SubItems[SortColumn]; if (SortColumn .SubItems.Count) then s2 := Item2.SubItems[SortColumn] end; end; { Sort styles } case LvSortStyle of cssAlphaNum : Result := lstrcmp(PChar(s1), PChar(s2)); cssNumeric : begin r1 := IsValidNumber(s1, i1); r2 := IsValidNumber(s2, i2); Result := ord(r1 or r2); if Result 0 then Result := CompareNumeric(i2, i1); end; cssDateTime : begin r1 := IsValidDate(s1, d1); r2 := IsValidDate(s2, d2); Result := ord(r1 or r2); if Result 0 then Result := CompareDates(d1, d2); end; end; { Sort direction } if LvSortOrder[SortColumn + 1] then Result := - Result; end; { The ListView's OnColumnClick event } procedure TForm1.ListView1ColumnClick(Sender: TObject; Column: TListColumn); begin { determine the sort style } if Column.Index = 0 then LvSortStyle := cssAlphaNum else LvSortStyle := cssNumeric; { Call the CustomSort method } ListView1.CustomSort(@CustomSortProc, Column.Index -1); { Set the sort order for the column} LvSortOrder[Column.Index] := not LvSortOrder[Column.Index]; end;