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How to realize an input dialog with combobox

Title: How to realize an input dialog with combobox function InputCombo(const ACaption, APrompt: string; const AList: TStrings): string; function GetCharSize(Canvas: TCanvas): TPoint; var I: Integer; Buffer: array[0..51] of Char; begin for I := 0 to 25 do Buffer[I] := Chr(I + Ord('A')); for I := 0 to 25 do Buffer[I + 26] := Chr(I + Ord('a')); GetTextExtentPoint(Canvas.Handle, Buffer, 52, TSize(Result)); Result.X := Result.X div 52; end; var Form: TForm; Prompt: TLabel; Combo: TComboBox; DialogUnits: TPoint; ButtonTop, ButtonWidth, ButtonHeight: Integer; begin Result := ''; Form := TForm.Create(Application); with Form do try Canvas.Font := Font; DialogUnits := GetCharSize(Canvas); BorderStyle := bsDialog; Caption := ACaption; ClientWidth := MulDiv(180, DialogUnits.X, 4); Position := poScreenCenter; Prompt := TLabel.Create(Form); with Prompt do begin Parent := Form; Caption := APrompt; Left := MulDiv(8, DialogUnits.X, 4); Top := MulDiv(8, DialogUnits.Y, 8); Constraints.MaxWidth := MulDiv(164, DialogUnits.X, 4); WordWrap := True; end; Combo := TComboBox.Create(Form); with Combo do begin Parent := Form; Style := csDropDownList; //f¨¹r Eingabem?glichkeit in Combo verwende //For input possibility in combo uses //Style := csDropDown; Items.Assign(AList); ItemIndex := 0; Left := Prompt.Left; Top := Prompt.Top + Prompt.Height + 5; Width := MulDiv(164, DialogUnits.X, 4); end; ButtonTop := Combo.Top + Combo.Height + 15; ButtonWidth := MulDiv(50, DialogUnits.X, 4); ButtonHeight := MulDiv(14, DialogUnits.Y, 8); with TButton.Create(Form) do begin Parent := Form; Caption := 'OK'; ModalResult := mrOk; default := True; SetBounds(MulDiv(38, DialogUnits.X, 4), ButtonTop, ButtonWidth, ButtonHeight); end; with TButton.Create(Form) do begin Parent := Form; Caption := 'Abbrechen'; ModalResult := mrCancel; Cancel := True; SetBounds(MulDiv(92, DialogUnits.X, 4), Combo.Top + Combo.Height + 15, ButtonWidth, ButtonHeight); Form.ClientHeight := Top + Height + 13; end; if ShowModal = mrOk then begin Result := Combo.Text; end; finally Form.Free; end; end; //Beispiel //Example procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var List: TStringList; begin List := TStringList.Create; try List.Add('Auswahl1'); List.Add('Auswahl2'); List.Add('Auswahl3'); //Beispielaufruf der Funktion //Example call of the function Label1.Caption := InputCombo('Input Combo', 'Caption', List); finally List.Free; end; end;