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How to position the caret in a Stringgrid

Title: How to position the caret in a Stringgrid type TGridCracker = class(TStringGrid); {...} implementation {...} procedure SetCaretPosition(Grid: TStringGrid; col, row, x_pos: Integer); begin Grid.Col := Col; Grid.Row := Row; with TGridCracker(Grid) do InplaceEditor.SelStart := x_pos; end; // Get the Caret position from the focussed cell // Ermittelt die Caret-Position der aktuellen Zelle function GetCaretPosition(Grid: TStringGrid): Integer; begin with TGridCracker(Grid) do Result := InplaceEditor.SelStart; end; // Example / Beispiel: // Set the focus on col 1, row 3 and position the caret at position 5 // Fokusiert die Zelle(1,3) und setzt den Cursor auf Position 5 procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin StringGrid1.SetFocus; SetCaretPosition(StringGrid1, 1, 3, 5); end;