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How to place a TEdit inside a TListBox to simulate inplace editing of ListBox items

Title: How to place a TEdit inside a TListBox to simulate inplace editing of ListBox items By design, a TListBox component displays a collection of items (string values) in a scrollable list. Items of a ListBox cannot be edited directly from "inside" the ListBox. If you ever needed to enable inplace editing of ListBox strings, here's a trick to place an ordinary TEdit inside a ListBox. We grab the idea from a series of articles on placing any component into a cell of a DBGrid. In short, we dynamically create a TEdit component named "ListEdit" in the Form's OnCreate event. ListBox1 (the name of the TListBox component already on the form) has set to be ListEdit's parent (in the TEdit's constructor "Self", the Form, was assigned to be the Owner). Hint: Owner vs. Parent. Next, in the OnClick event of the ListBox1 (when an item gets selected) we place the edit right on top of it. The ListEdit has the focus, when enter key is pressed (hint Enter Key = #13) the "old" item is removed from the ListBox, the new item is inserted. That's all. Tricky and simple. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ type TForm1 = class(TForm) ... private ListEdit : TEdit; procedure ListEditKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char) ; end; ... //create the TEdit and make ListBox its parent procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject) ; begin ListEdit := TEdit.Create(self) ; ListEdit.Visible := false; ListEdit.Ctl3D := false; ListEdit.BorderStyle := bsNone; ListEdit.Parent := ListBox1; ListEdit.Width := ListBox1.ClientWidth; ListEdit.OnKeyPress := ListEditKeyPress; end; //ListView Item selected - position the Edit procedure TForm1.ListBox1Click(Sender: TObject) ; var ii : integer; lRect: TRect; begin ii := ListBox1.ItemIndex; if ii = -1 then exit; lRect := ListBox1.ItemRect(ii) ; ListEdit.Top := lRect.Top + 1; ListEdit.Left := lRect.Left + 1; ListEdit.Height := (lRect.Bottom - lRect.Top) + 1; ListEdit.Text := ListBox1.Items.Strings[ii]; ListBox1.Selected[ii] := False; ListEdit.Visible := True; ListEdit.SelectAll; ListEdit.SetFocus; end; //apply editing when enter key is pressed procedure TForm1.ListEditKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char) ; var ii: Integer; begin if Key = #13 then begin ii := ListBox1.ItemIndex; ListBox1.Items.Delete(ii) ; ListBox1.Items.Insert(ii, ListEdit.Text) ; ListEdit.Visible := False; Key := #0; end; end; //hide Edit when ListBox looses the focus procedure TForm1.ListBox1Exit(Sender: TObject) ; begin ListEdit.Visible := false; end; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~