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How to link a TFilterComboBox with a TShellListView

Title: How to link a TFilterComboBox with a TShellListView procedure TForm1.ShellListView1AddFolder(Sender: TObject; AFolder: TShellFolder; var CanAdd: Boolean); var XFilterExt, XExt: string; begin if FilterComboBox1.Mask '*.*' then begin XFilterExt := ExtractFileExt(FilterComboBox1.Mask); XExt := ExtractFileExt(AFolder.PathName); // Only accept filter and folders if (CompareText(XExt, XFilterExt) = 0) or AFolder.IsFolder then CanAdd := True else CanAdd := False; end; end; // Refresh the ShellListView when the filter changes procedure TForm1.FilterComboBox1Change(Sender: TObject); begin ShellListView1.Refresh; end; // { Second approach is to create your own TShellListView and TFilterComboBox descendants. There you could implement the needed functionality. Override list's OwnerDataFetch method in order to filter the undesired items. You also need to add a ShellListView property to the filter combobox. Give a try to the code listed below. It's a unit with components I was talking about, they seemed to work fine for me :) } unit MyShCtrl; {$WARN UNIT_PLATFORM OFF} interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Graphics, Classes, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, ComCtrls, StdCtrls, FileCtrl, ShellCtrls; type TMyShellListView = class(TShellListView) protected FMask: string; function OwnerDataFetch(Item: TListItem; Request: TItemRequest): Boolean; override; procedure SetMask(AValue: string); published property Mask: string read FMask write SetMask; end; TMyFilterComboBox = class(TFilterComboBox) protected FShellListView: TMyShellListView; procedure Notification(AComponent: TComponent; Operation: TOperation); override; procedure Change; override; procedure SetShellListView(AValue: TMyShellListView); published property ShellListView: TMyShellListView read FShellListView write SetShellListView; end; procedure Register; {============================================} implementation procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('My Components', [TMyShellListView, TMyFilterComboBox]); end; {============================================} function TMyShellListView.OwnerDataFetch(Item: TListItem; Request: TItemRequest): Boolean; var XFolder: TShellFolder; XExt, XFltExt: string; begin if (Length(FMask) 0) and (FMask '*.*') then begin XFolder := Folders[Item.Index]; if Assigned(XFolder) and not XFolder.IsFolder then begin XExt := ExtractFileExt(XFolder.PathName); XFltExt := ExtractFileExt(FMask); if CompareText(XExt, XFltExt) 0 then begin Result := False; Exit; end; end; end; Result := inherited OwnerDataFetch(Item, Request); end; procedure TMyShellListView.SetMask(AValue: string); begin if FMask AValue then begin FMask := AValue; Invalidate; end; end; {============================================} procedure TMyFilterComboBox.Notification(AComponent: TComponent; Operation: TOperation); begin inherited Notification(AComponent, Operation); if (Operation = opRemove) and (AComponent = FShellListView) then FShellListView := nil; end; procedure TMyFilterComboBox.Change; begin inherited Change; if Assigned(FShellListView) then FShellListView.Mask := Mask end; procedure TMyFilterComboBox.SetShellListView(AValue: TMyShellListView); begin if AValue FShellListView then begin FShellListView := AValue; if Assigned(AValue) then AValue.FreeNotification(Self); end; end; end.