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How to get a range of text from a RichEdit

Title: How to get a range of text from a RichEdit Question: Sometimes while using RichEdit you need to get just part of the text from that control, without setting a selection and using the SelText property. The code shows the way to do that. Answer: {overrides wrong TTextRange definition in RichEdit.pas} TTextRange = record chrg: TCharRange; lpstrText: PAnsiChar; end; function REGetTextRange(RichEdit: TRichEdit; BeginPos, MaxLength: Integer): string; {RichEdit - RichEdit control BeginPos - absolute index of first char MaxLength - maximum chars to retrieve} var TextRange: TTextRange; begin if MaxLength0 then begin SetLength(Result, MaxLength); with TextRange do begin chrg.cpMin := BeginPos; chrg.cpMax := BeginPos+MaxLength; lpstrText := PChar(Result); end; SetLength(Result, SendMessage(RichEdit.Handle, EM_GETTEXTRANGE, 0, longint(@TextRange))); end else Result:=''; end; This function can be used to extract a word under the current mouse pointer position: function RECharIndexByPos(RichEdit: TRichEdit; X, Y: Integer): Integer; { function returns absolute character position for given cursor coordinates} var P: TPoint; begin P := Point(X, Y); Result := SendMessage(RichEdit.Handle, EM_CHARFROMPOS, 0, longint(@P)); end; function REExtractWordFromPos(RichEdit: TRichEdit; X, Y: Integer):= string; { X, Y - point coordinates in rich edit control } {returns word , under current cursor position} var BegPos, EndPos: Integer; begin BegPos := RECharIndexByPos(RichEdit, X, Y); if (BegPos (SendMessage(RichEdit.Handle,EM_FINDWORDBREAK,WB_CLASSIFY,BegPos) and (WBF_BREAKLINE or WBF_ISWHITE) 0 ) then begin result:=''; exit; end; if SendMessage(RichEdit.Handle, EM_FINDWORDBREAK,WB_CLASSIFY,BegPos-1) and (WBF_BREAKLINE or WBF_ISWHITE) = 0 then BegPos:=SendMessage(RichEdit.Handle, EM_FINDWORDBREAK, WB_MOVEWORDLEFT, BegPos); EndPos:=SendMessage(RichEdit.Handle,EM_FINDWORDBREAK,WB_MOVEWORDRIGHT,BegPos); Result:=TrimRight(REGetTextRange(RichEdit, BegPos, EndPos - BegPos)); end;