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How to fill a ComboBox with Table values

Title: How to fill a ComboBox with Table-values. Question: You will filter a Table with values from it own columns. Answer: Create Form1 with this Objects Table1 Table with Customer-Infos e.g. Firstname .... Month (string yyyymm with Secondary Index) .... DataSource1 DBGrid1 ComboBox1 This procedure fills the Combobox with values from field Month. Your Table can have many Records with the sam value: 200106 200108 200108 200109 200109 200110 ... and so on In the Combobox is only one Entry from every value stored: 200106 200108 200109 200110 If you select one of this Entries, the Table ist filtered with this value private cFilter: string; procedure TForm1.FillCombo; var cMonth: string; begin MtCombo.Items.clear; Table1.Filter := 'Month ''000000'''; // first add one entry for select to 'Filter-Reset' MtCombo.Items.append('');; // set the Month-Compare-value cMonth := ''; // go thru the Table and get the values // for every existing value is only one loop produced // Missing values are ignored. // at start cMonth is empty and all Records are available. while not Table1.Eof do begin // Now add the Month-value from the first Record of // this filter-set to the Combobox MtCombo.Items.append(Table1['Monat']); // create the Month-Filter to Greater-Than-Current-Month cFilter := 'Month ''' + Table1['Month'] + ''''; // save the Current Month for using after the last loop cMonth := Table1['Month']; // set the filter for the next loop now Table1.Filter := cFilter; end; // Select the first Combobox-Entry MtCombo.ItemIndex := MtCombo.Items.Count - 1; MtCombo.Text := cMonth; // and set the selectet value as filter Table1.filter := 'Month = ''' + MtCombo.Items[MtCombo.ItemIndex] + ''''; cFilter := Table1.filter; Table1.first; end; // at Startup the Combobox is filled first procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin FillCombo; end; // in the Combobox onChange event set the Table-Filter procedure TForm1.MtComboChange(Sender: TObject); begin // look if currently filter is not '' // than create this value as an filter-expression if (MtCombo.Items[MtCombo.ItemIndex] '') then Table1.filter := 'Month = ''' + MtCombo.Items[MtCombo.ItemIndex] + '''' else // otherwise reset filter-expression because '' is selected Table1.Filter := ''; Table1.Last; // save the last Filter-Settings cFilter := Table1.Filter; end; // if you produces new records with insert or append // your field Month is also set to an new value (by // your self). If this value other than the stored // values in the Combobox, then you can call FillCombo // to create the new Combobox-entries: procedure TForm1.Table1AfterInsert(DataSet: TDataSet); begin ... FillCombo; end; Regards Kurt