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How to exchange items in TListView

Title: How to exchange items in TListView procedure Swap(X, Y: Integer); var s: Integer; begin s := X; X := Y; Y := X end; Something similar we can do with TListItem too. But just to save all strings (caption+sub items) somewhere is not enough because TListItem class have a lot of other information (image indexes, pointer as Data, etc) So correct way is to use Assign method: procedure ExchangeItems(lv: TListView; const i, j: Integer); var tempLI: TListItem; begin lv.Items.BeginUpdate; try tempLI := TListItem.Create(lv.Items); tempLI.Assign(lv.Items.Item[i]); lv.Items.Item[i].Assign(lv.Items.Item[j]); lv.Items.Item[j].Assign(tempLI); tempLI.Free; finally lv.Items.EndUpdate end; end; So structure is a same as in our sample for Integer. All what we added are BeginUpdate and EndUpdate (just allow to reduce a flickering) So if you want to exchange items in any ListView, just call this procedure...