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How to draw an underline on a Listview Caption

Title: How to draw an underline on a Listview Caption Question: Can you underline the caption of a ListView Item? Answer: To draw an Underline on a Listview Caption the same like the HotTrack function in Delphi 6 in Delphi 3 you must call an API function. In the Uses Clausse inpelement the CommCtrl unit. Then you set the following code in the MouseMove property of your ListView. procedure TfrmMain.lvwMainMouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); const LVS_EX_UNDERLINEHOT = $00000800; var AItem : TListItem; Styles : DWord; begin AItem := lvwMain.GetItemAt(X, Y); if not Assigned(AItem) then begin lvwMain.Cursor := crArrow; end else begin lvwMain.Cursor := crHandPoint; Styles := Trunc(Styles + LVS_EX_UNDERLINEHOT - LVS_EX_CHECKBOXES - LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT); ListView_SetExtendedListViewStyle(lvwMain.Handle, Styles); end; end; When you goes with your mouse over an ListView Item there will be an underline drawed under the caption of the Item.