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How to autosize a StringGrid Column to fit its content

Title: How to autosize a StringGrid-Column to fit its content {1.} procedure SetGridColumnWidths(Grid: TStringGrid; const Columns: array of Integer); { When you double-Click on a Column-Header the Column autosizes to fit its content } procedure AutoSizeGridColumn(Grid: TStringGrid; column, min, max: Integer); { Set for max and min some minimal/maximial Values} { Bei max and min kann eine Minimal- resp. Maximalbreite angegeben werden} var i: Integer; temp: Integer; tempmax: Integer; begin tempmax := 0; for i := 0 to (Grid.RowCount - 1) do begin temp := Grid.Canvas.TextWidth(Grid.cells[column, i]); if temp tempmax then tempmax := temp; if tempmax max then begin tempmax := max; break; end; end; if tempmax min then tempmax := min; Grid.ColWidths[column] := tempmax + Grid.GridLineWidth + 3; end; procedure TForm1.StringGrid1DblClick(Sender: TObject); var P: TPoint; iColumn, iRow: Longint; begin GetCursorPos(P); with StringGrid1 do begin P := ScreenToClient(P); MouseToCell(P.X, P.Y, iColumn, iRow); if P.Y then AutoSizeGridColumn(StringGrid1, iColumn, 40, 100); end; end; {************************************************} {2.} procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); { by P. Below } const DEFBORDER = 8; var max, temp, i, n: Integer; begin with Grid do begin Canvas.Font := Font; for n := Low(Columns) to High(Columns) do begin max := 0; for i := 0 to RowCount - 1 do begin temp := Canvas.TextWidth(Cells[Columns[n], i]) + DEFBORDER; if temp max then max := temp; end; { For } if max 0 then ColWidths[Columns[n]] := max; end; { For } end; { With } end; {SetGridColumnWidths }