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How to add images to a listbox

Title: How to add images to a listbox Question: here is a tip on how to add an image beside every text in a listbox Answer: First, change the style property of your listbox to [ lbOwnerDrawVariable ] this will allow you to draw in the listbox. add 3 items in the listbox. then add an image list with 3 images inside. add these event handlers for the listbox. procedure TForm1.ListBox3MeasureItem(Control: TWinControl; Index: Integer; var Height: Integer); begin height := ImageList1.Height + 4; end; // now the real drawing begins here: procedure TForm1.ListBox3DrawItem(Control: TWinControl; Index: Integer; Rect: TRect; State: TOwnerDrawState); var CenterText : integer; begin ListBox3.Canvas.FillRect (rect); // now draw ImageList1.Draw(ListBox3.Canvas,rect.Left + 4, rect.Top + 4, index ); // you have to center the text vertically besidethe bitmap, or it will appear a little heigher CenterText := ( rect.Bottom - rect.Top - ListBox3.Canvas.TextHeight(text)) div 2 ; ListBox3.Canvas.TextOut (rect.left + ImageList1.Width + 8 , rect.Top + CenterText, ListBox3.Items.Strings[index]); end; now run and enjoy your new style listbox // Note: this code is tested on Delphi 4 , Windows NT workstation 4