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How to access the controls of a TRadioGroup

Title: How to access the controls of a TRadioGroup procedure RGB_EnableItem(RadioGroup: TRadioGroup; ItemIndex: Byte; bEnabled: Boolean); begin RadioGroup.Controls[ItemIndex].Enabled := bEnabled; end; // Example: Deactivates the 2. Item (Index starts at 0) procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin RGB_EnableItem(RadioGroup1, 1, False); end; {2. *******************************************************} procedure RGB_ShowItem(RadioGroup: TRadioGroup; ItemIndex: Byte; bVisible: Boolean); begin RadioGroup.Controls[ItemIndex].Visible := bVisible; end; // Example: Hides the 2. Item (Index starts at 0) procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); begin RGB_ShowItem(RadioGroup1, 1, False); end; {3. *******************************************************} // Show Hints for TRadioGroup items procedure TForm1.Button3Click(Sender: TObject); var i: Byte; begin for i := 0 to RadioGroup1.ControlCount - 1 do begin RadioGroup1.Controls[i].ShowHint := True; RadioGroup1.Controls[i].Hint := (Radiogroup1.Controls[i] as TRadiobutton).Caption; end; end; {4. *******************************************************} // Focus a specified Radiobutton in a TRadioGroup procedure RGB_FocusItem(RadioGroup: TRadioGroup; ItemIndex: Byte); var RadiogroupClick: TNotifyEvent; begin if ItemIndex = 0 then begin RadioGroup.OnClick := nil; (RadioGroup.Controls[1] as TRadiobutton).SetFocus; RadioGroup.OnClick := RadiogroupClick; end; end; // Example: Focus the 2. Radiobutton procedure TForm1.Button4Click(Sender: TObject); begin RGB_FocusItem(RadioGroup1, 1); end;