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How can i determining if a given machine has a math coprocessor

Question: How can I determine in code if a given machine either has a math coprocessor or if Windows is supplying emulation? Answer: Contrary to popular belief, not all 486/586/686/ and Pentium clones have floating point units. Under Windows 3.1, applications could take advantage of this knowledge and choose to do fixed point math or use other means to improve preformance. The following example shows how to check for the existance of a floating point unit under both Win16 and Win32. Example: {$IFDEF WIN32} uses Registry; {$ENDIF} function HasCoProcesser : bool; {$IFDEF WIN32} var TheKey : hKey; {$ENDIF} begin Result := true; {$IFNDEF WIN32} if GetWinFlags and Wf_80x87 = 0 then Result := false; {$ELSE} if RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, 'HARDWARE\DESCRIPTION\System\FloatingPointProcessor', 0, KEY_EXECUTE, TheKey) <> ERROR_SUCCESS then result := false; RegCloseKey(TheKey); {$ENDIF} end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin if HasCoProcesser then ShowMessage('Has CoProcessor') else ShowMessage('No CoProcessor - Windows Emulation Mode'); end;