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Categories / Delphi / VCL

Get the Handle of a ComboBox List

Title: get the Handle of a ComboBox List? private { Private declarations } procedure ComboBoxMessage(var Msg: TMessage); message WM_USER; public { Public declarations } end; var Form1: TForm1; implementation {$R *.dfm} function EnumProc(wnd: HWND; Alabel: TLabel): BOOL; stdcall; var buffer: array[0..50] of Char; begin Result := True; if IsWindowVisible(wnd) then begin GetClassName(wnd, buffer, SizeOf(buffer)); if StrIComp(buffer, 'ComboLBox') = 0 then begin Alabel.Caption := Format('handle found: %x', [wnd]); Result := False; end; end; end; procedure TForm1.ComboBoxMessage(var Msg: TMessage); begin EnumThreadWindows(GetCurrentThreadID, @EnumProc, Integer(label1)); end; procedure TForm1.ComboBox1DropDown(Sender: TObject); begin PostMessage(Handle, WM_USER, 0, 0); end;