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Gauge bar with a different look

Title: Gauge bar with a different look Question: Can I have a different GaugeBar ??? Answer: unit AGGauge; interface uses SysUtils, Classes, Controls, Graphics, Windows; type TOrientation = (goHorizontal,goVertical); TAGGauge = class(TGraphicControl) private FBarColor : TColor; FBorderColor : TColor; FInactiveBarColor: TColor; FGap : Integer; FOrientation : TOrientation; FProgress : Integer; procedure SetBarColor(Value: TColor); procedure SetBorderColor(Value: TColor); procedure SetInactiveBarColor(Value: TColor); procedure SetGap(const Value: Integer); procedure SetOrientation(Value: TOrientation); procedure SetProgress(Value: Integer); protected { Protected declarations } public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; procedure Paint; override; published property Anchors; property BarColor: TColor read FBarColor write SetBarColor; property BorderColor: TColor read FBorderColor write SetBorderColor; property Gap: Integer read FGap write SetGap; property InactiveBarColor: TColor read FInactiveBarColor write SetInactiveBarColor; property Orientation: TOrientation read FOrientation write SetOrientation; property Progress: Integer read FProgress write SetProgress; end; procedure Register; implementation procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('Alain', [TAGGauge]); end; { TAGGauge } constructor TAGGauge.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); FBarColor := clBlack; FBorderColor := clBlack; FInactiveBarColor := clSilver; FGap := 2; FOrientation := goHorizontal; FProgress := 50; end; procedure TAGGauge.Paint; var I : Integer; Spc : Integer; Haut : Integer; Larg : Integer; NewRect: TRect; TmpRect: TRect; begin inherited; Canvas.Brush.Color := FBorderColor; NewRect := ClientRect; Canvas.FrameRect(NewRect); InflateRect(NewRect,FGap * -1,FGap * -1); Spc := 0; if FOrientation = goHorizontal then begin Larg := NewRect.Right - NewRect.Left; for I := 0 to Larg do begin if (FProgress 0) and (I Canvas.Brush.Color := FBarColor else Canvas.Brush.Color := FInactiveBarColor; TmpRect.Top := NewRect.Top; TmpRect.Bottom := NewRect.Bottom; TmpRect.Left := NewRect.Left + Spc; TmpRect.Right := NewRect.Left + FGap + Spc; if TmpRect.Right = ClientRect.Right then break; Canvas.FillRect(TmpRect); Spc := Spc + (FGap * 2); end; end else begin Haut := NewRect.Bottom - NewRect.Top; for I := 0 to Haut do begin if (FProgress 0) and (I Canvas.Brush.Color := FBarColor else Canvas.Brush.Color := FInactiveBarColor; TmpRect.Left := NewRect.Left; TmpRect.Right := NewRect.Right; TmpRect.Top := NewRect.Bottom - FGap - Spc; TmpRect.Bottom := NewRect.Bottom - Spc; if TmpRect.Top break; Canvas.FillRect(TmpRect); Spc := Spc + (FGap * 2); end; end; end; procedure TAGGauge.SetBarColor(Value: TColor); begin if Value = FBarColor then exit; FBarColor := Value; Invalidate; end; procedure TAGGauge.SetBorderColor(Value: TColor); begin if Value = FBorderColor then exit; FBorderColor := Value; Invalidate; end; procedure TAGGauge.SetGap(const Value: Integer); begin if Value = FGap then exit; FGap := Value; if FGap FGap := 1; Invalidate; end; procedure TAGGauge.SetInactiveBarColor(Value: TColor); begin if Value = FInactiveBarColor then exit; FInactiveBarColor := Value; Invalidate; end; procedure TAGGauge.SetOrientation(Value: TOrientation); begin if Value = FOrientation then exit; FOrientation := Value; Invalidate; end; procedure TAGGauge.SetProgress(Value: Integer); begin if Value = FProgress then exit; FProgress := Value; if FProgress else if FProgress 100 then FProgress := 100; Invalidate; end; end.