Mega Code Archive

Categories / Delphi / VCL

Format text in a trichedit by means of shortcuts

// Shortcuts to format the selected Text: // Tastaturkürzel, um den markierten Text zu formatieren: Ctrl + B: Bold Fett Ctrl + I: Italic Kursiv Ctrl + S: Strikeout Durchgestrichen Ctrl + U: fsUnderline Unterstrichen // Put this Code into your Richedit's OnKeyPress handler: // Diesen Code ins OnKeyPress Ereignis Prozedur hinzufügen: procedure TForm1.RichEdit1KeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char); const KEY_CTRL_B = 02; KEY_CTRL_I = 9; KEY_CTRL_S = 19; KEY_CTRL_U = 21; begin with (Sender as TRichEdit).SelAttributes do case Ord(Key) of KEY_CTRL_B: begin Key := #0; if fsBold in Style then Style := Style - [fsBold] else Style := Style + [fsBold]; end; KEY_CTRL_I: begin Key := #0; if fsItalic in Style then Style := Style - [fsItalic] else Style := Style + [fsItalic]; end; KEY_CTRL_S: begin Key := #0; if fsStrikeout in Style then Style := Style - [fsStrikeout] else Style := Style + [fsStrikeout]; end; KEY_CTRL_U: begin Key := #0; if fsUnderline in Style then Style := Style - [fsUnderline] else Style := Style + [fsUnderline]; end; end; end;