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FontListBox component

Title: FontListBox component Question: How to make a FontListBox Answer: { =================================================================== This component will be added under 'Samples'. You are allowed to use and modify this component freely. =================================================================== Written in Delphi V5.0. Tested under: Windows 95, version A, servicepack 1 and Windows NT4.0, servicepack 5. =================================================================== For remarks, enhancements, improvements, suggestions, please send me an email: =================================================================== } Unit FontListBox; Interface Uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls; Type TFontListBox = class(TCustomListbox) Private { Private declarations } fFontSample : Boolean; // Added property fShowTrueType : Boolean; // Added property fCanvas : TControlCanvas; // Necessary Procedure SetFontSample(B : Boolean); // Internal procedure Procedure SetShowTrueType(B : Boolean); // Internal procedure Protected { Protected declarations } Procedure CreateWnd; override; Public { Public declarations } Constructor Create(AOwner : TComponent); override; Destructor Destroy; override; Procedure DrawItem(Index : Integer; R : TRect; State : TOwnerDrawState); override; Published { Published declarations } { Properties } Property Fontsample : Boolean // Added property Read fFontSample Write SetFontSample; Property Align; Property Anchors; Property BiDiMode; Property BorderStyle; Property Color; Property Columns; Property Constraints; Property Cursor; Property DragCursor; Property DragKind; Property DragMode; Property Enabled; //Poperty ExtendedSelection; Does not exist in base class Property Font; Property Height; Property HelpContext; Property Hint; Property ImeMode; Property ImeName; Property IntegralHeight; Property Itemheight; Property Items; Property Left; Property MultiSelect; Property Name; Property ParentBiDiMode; Property ParentColor; Property ParentFont; Property ParentShowHint; Property PopupMenu; Property ShowTrueType : Boolean // Added property Read fShowTrueType Write SetShowTrueType; Property ShowHint; Property Sorted; Property Style; Property TabOrder; Property TabStop; Property TabWidth; Property Tag; Property Top; Property Visible; Property Width; { Events } Property OnClick; Property OnContextPopup; Property OnDblClick; Property OnDragDrop; Property OnDragOver; Property OnDrawItem; Property OnEndDock; Property OnEnter; Property OnExit; Property OnKeyDown; Property OnKeyPress; Property OnKeyUp; Property OnMeasureItem; Property OnMouseDown; Property OnMouseMove; Property OnMouseUp; Property OnStartDock; Property OnStartDrag; End; Procedure Register; Implementation {--------------------------------------------------------------------} Procedure Register; // Hello Begin RegisterComponents('Samples', [TFontListBox]); End; {--------------------------------------------------------------------} Procedure TFontListBox.SetShowTrueType(B : Boolean); Begin If B fShowTrueType then Begin fShowTrueType := B; Invalidate; // Force an update during design time End; End; {--------------------------------------------------------------------} Procedure TFontListBox.SetFontSample(B : Boolean); Begin If fFontSample B then Begin fFontSample := B; Invalidate; // Force an update during design time End; End; {--------------------------------------------------------------------} Destructor TFontListBox.Destroy; Begin fCanvas.Free; // Free the canvas Inherited Destroy; End; {-----------------------------------------------------------------------} Constructor TFontListBox.Create(AOwner : TComponent); Begin Inherited Create(AOwner); // Initialize properties ParentFont := True; Font.Size := 8; Font.Style := []; Sorted := True; fFontSample := False; Style := lbOwnerDrawFixed; fCanvas := TControlCanvas.Create; fCanvas.Control := Self; ItemHeight := 16; fShowTrueType := False; End; {--------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TFontListBox.CreateWnd; Begin inherited CreateWnd; Items := Screen.Fonts; // Copy all the fonts to the ListBox.Items ItemIndex := 0; // Select first item End; {--------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TFontListBox.DrawItem(Index : Integer; R : TRect; State : TOwnerDrawState); Var Metrics : TTextMetric; LogFnt : TLogFont; oldFont,newFont : HFont; IsTrueTypeFont : Boolean; fFontStyle : TFontStyles; fFontName : TFontName; fFontColor : TColor; Begin LogFnt.lfHeight := 10; LogFnt.lfWidth := 10; LogFnt.lfEscapement := 0; LogFnt.lfWeight := FW_REGULAR; LogFnt.lfItalic := 0; LogFnt.lfUnderline := 0; LogFnt.lfStrikeOut := 0; LogFnt.lfCharSet := DEFAULT_CHARSET; LogFnt.lfOutPrecision := OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS; LogFnt.lfClipPrecision := CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS; LogFnt.lfQuality := DEFAULT_QUALITY; LogFnt.lfPitchAndFamily := DEFAULT_PITCH or FF_DONTCARE; StrPCopy(LogFnt.lfFaceName,Items[Index]); newFont := CreateFontIndirect(LogFnt); oldFont := SelectObject(fCanvas.Handle,newFont); GetTextMetrics(fCanvas.Handle,Metrics); // Now we can check for TrueType IsTrueTypeFont := True; If (Metrics.tmPitchAndFamily and TMPF_TRUETYPE) = 0 then IsTrueTypeFont := False; Canvas.FillRect(R); If fShowTrueType and IsTrueTypeFont then Begin // Save font settings fFontName := Canvas.Font.Name; fFontStyle := Canvas.Font.Style; fFontColor := Canvas.Font.Color; // Set new font settings Canvas.Font.Name := 'Times new roman'; Canvas.Font.Style := [fsBold]; //Canvas.Font.Color := clBlack; Canvas.TextOut(R.Left + 2,R.Top,'T'); If fFontColor clHighLightText then Canvas.Font.Color := clGray; Canvas.TextOut(R.Left + 7,R.Top + 3,'T'); //Restore font settings Canvas.Font.Style := fFontStyle; Canvas.Font.Color := fFontColor; Canvas.Font.Name := fFontName; End; If fFontSample then // The font will be drawn the actual font Canvas.Font.Name := Items[Index] else // The font will be drawn in property "Font" Canvas.Font.Name := Font.Name; If fShowTrueType then Canvas.TextOut(R.Left + 20,R.Top,Items[Index]) // Show TrueType else Canvas.TextOut(R.Left,R.Top,Items[Index]); // Don't show TrueType SelectObject(fCanvas.Handle,oldFont); DeleteObject(newFont); End; {--------------------------------------------------------------------} End. {====================================================================}