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Title: EasyOfficeComboBox Question: This article contains the unit EasyOfficeComboBox. This is a new ComboBox making it possible to make a Office 2003 etc. ComboBox look-alike. NOTE! You need the other posts to be able to compile this components. You must disable the Compiled Resources (*.dcr) to compile this components. I'll send the dcr's to the admins and tell them to attach them. Answer: Unit EasyOfficeComboBox; Interface Uses Classes, Controls, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, Windows, Graphics, Messages, Forms, EasyToolBar; Type TEasyOfficeComboBox = Class; TEasyOfficeDropForm = Class; TEasyOfficeComboBoxItem = Class(TCustomControl) Private { Private declarations } fText : String; fOwner : TEasyOfficeDropForm; GotMouse : Boolean; Procedure UpdateLabelFocus; Function GetItemIndex: Integer; Protected { Protected declarations } Procedure WMEraseBkGnd(var Msg: TWMEraseBkgnd); message WM_ERASEBKGND; Procedure CMChanged(var Msg: TMessage); message CM_CHANGED; Procedure CMMouseEnter(var msg: TMessage); message CM_MOUSEENTER; Procedure CMMouseLeave(var msg: TMessage); message CM_MOUSELEAVE; Procedure Notification(AComponent: TComponent; Operation: TOperation); override; Function CalcWidth: Integer; Public { Public declarations } Constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; Destructor Destroy; override; Procedure Paint; override; Procedure MouseDown(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); override; Procedure MouseUp(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); override; Procedure MouseDownHandler(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); Procedure MouseUpHandler(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); Published { Published declarations } Property Visible; Property Width; Property Height; Property Text: String read fText write fText; Property ItemIndex: Integer read GetItemIndex; End; TEasyOfficeDropForm = Class(TForm) Private { Private declarations } fOwner : TEasyOfficeComboBox; fHideTime : TDateTime; Scroller : TScrollBox; Function CalcWidth: Integer; Function CalcHeight: Integer; Procedure SelectItem(Item: TEasyOfficeComboBoxItem); Function GetItem(Index: Integer) : TEasyOfficeComboBoxItem; Function GetItemCount: Integer; Procedure ScrollMouseWheelHandler(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; WheelDelta: Integer; MousePos: TPoint; var Handled: Boolean); Protected { Protected declarations } Procedure WMEraseBkGnd(var Message: TWMEraseBkgnd); message WM_ERASEBKGND; Procedure Deactivate; override; Procedure AdjustClientRect(var Rect: TRect); override; Procedure Paint; override; Function DoMouseWheel(Shift: TShiftState; WheelDelta: Integer; MousePos: TPoint) : Boolean; override; Public { Public declarations } Constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; Destructor Destroy; override; Procedure ShowDrop(TopLeft: TPoint); Procedure ClearItems; Function AddItem: TEasyOfficeComboBoxItem; Function IndexOf(S: String) : Integer; overload; Function IndexOf(Item: TEasyOfficeComboBoxItem) : Integer; overload; Procedure AlphaSort; Property Items[Index: Integer] : TEasyOfficeComboBoxItem read GetItem; Property ItemCount: Integer read GetItemCount; Published { Published declarations } End; TEasyOfficeComboBox = Class(TCustomControl) Private { Private declarations } fOwner : TComponent; fEdit : TEdit; fReadOnly : Boolean; fDropForm : TEasyOfficeDropForm; fItemIndex : Integer; GotMouse : Boolean; fOnChange : TNotifyEvent; fTrueTypeFontBitmap : TBitmap; Procedure SetReadOnly(NewReadOnly: Boolean); Procedure SetItemIndex(NewIndex: Integer); Procedure EditExit(Sender: TObject); Procedure EditEnter(Sender: TObject); Procedure EditKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); Function GetItem(Index: Integer) : TEasyOfficeComboBoxItem; Function GetItemCount: Integer; Function GetTabStop : Boolean; Procedure SetTabStop(NewTabStop: Boolean); Function GetText : String; Procedure SetText(NewText: String); Protected { Protected declarations } Procedure WMEraseBkGnd(var Message: TWMEraseBkgnd); message WM_ERASEBKGND; Procedure CMMouseEnter(var msg: TMessage); message CM_MOUSEENTER; Procedure CMMouseLeave(var msg: TMessage); message CM_MOUSELEAVE; Procedure MouseDown(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); override; Function DoMouseWheel(Shift: TShiftState; WheelDelta: Integer; MousePos: TPoint) : Boolean; override; Public { Public declarations } Constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; Destructor Destroy; override; Procedure AdjustClientRect(var Rect: TRect); override; Procedure Resize; override; Procedure SetFocus; override; Procedure Paint; override; Procedure ClearItems; Function AddItem: TEasyOfficeComboBoxItem; Function IndexOf(S: String) : Integer; Procedure AlphaSort; Procedure HideDropDownMenu; Procedure ShowDropDownMenu; Procedure ListFonts; Property ItemIndex: Integer read fItemIndex write SetItemIndex; Property ItemCount: Integer read GetItemCount; Property Items[Index: Integer] : TEasyOfficeComboBoxItem read GetItem; Published { Published declarations } Property Align; Property Enabled; Property ReadOnly: Boolean read fReadOnly write SetReadOnly; Property Cursor; Property TabStop: Boolean read GetTabStop write SetTabStop; Property TabOrder; Property Text: String read GetText write SetText; Property OnChange: TNotifyEvent read fOnChange write fOnChange; End; Procedure Register; Implementation Uses EasyGraphicsFunctions, SysUtils; {$R *.dcr} Procedure Register; Begin RegisterComponents('EasyWare - Visual', [TEasyOfficeComboBox]); End; (******************************************************************************) (******************************************************************************) (******************************************************************************) Constructor TEasyOfficeComboBoxItem.Create(AOwner: TComponent); Begin Inherited Create(AOwner); fOwner := TEasyOfficeDropForm(AOwner); ControlStyle := ControlStyle + [csAcceptsControls, csOpaque, csFixedWidth, csFixedHeight]; ControlStyle := ControlStyle - [csSetCaption]; Height := 18; Width := 50; fText := ''; DoubleBuffered := True; GotMouse := False; End; Destructor TEasyOfficeComboBoxItem.Destroy; Begin Inherited Destroy; End; Procedure TEasyOfficeComboBoxItem.WMEraseBkGnd(var Msg: TWMEraseBkgnd); Begin // Prevent erasing of the background... Msg.Result := 1; End; Procedure TEasyOfficeComboBoxItem.CMChanged(var Msg: TMessage); Begin Invalidate; End; Procedure TEasyOfficeComboBoxItem.CMMouseEnter(var msg: TMessage); Begin // IF (not GotMouse) Then Begin GotMouse := True; IF (Enabled) Then Begin UpdateLabelFocus; Repaint; End; End; End; Procedure TEasyOfficeComboBoxItem.CMMouseLeave(var msg: TMessage); Begin IF (GotMouse) Then Begin GotMouse := False; IF (Enabled) Then Begin UpdateLabelFocus; Repaint; End; End; End; Procedure TEasyOfficeComboBoxItem.Notification(AComponent: TComponent; Operation: TOperation); Begin Case Operation of opInsert : Begin // In Delphi 5 the OnMouseDown & OnMouseUp events isn't derived from TControl which it says in the Delphi 5 help...? IF (AComponent is TPanel) Then Begin TPanel(AComponent).OnMouseDown := MouseDownHandler; TPanel(AComponent).OnMouseUp := MouseUpHandler; End; IF (AComponent is TLabel) Then Begin TLabel(AComponent).OnMouseDown := MouseDownHandler; TLabel(AComponent).OnMouseUp := MouseUpHandler; End; IF (AComponent is TImage) Then Begin TImage(AComponent).OnMouseDown := MouseDownHandler; TImage(AComponent).OnMouseUp := MouseUpHandler; End; End; opRemove : ; End; End; Procedure TEasyOfficeComboBoxItem.UpdateLabelFocus; Var I : Integer; Lbl : TLabel; Begin For I := 0 to ControlCount-1 do Begin IF (Controls[I] is TLabel) Then Begin Lbl := TLabel(Controls[I]); IF (GotMouse) Then Lbl.Font.Color := clWhite Else Lbl.Font.Color := clBlack; End; End; End; Function TEasyOfficeComboBoxItem.CalcWidth: Integer; Var I : Integer; Begin Result := 0; For I := 0 to ControlCount-1 do Begin Inc(Result, Controls[I].Width); End; Inc(Result, 8); End; Function TEasyOfficeComboBoxItem.GetItemIndex: Integer; Begin Result := fOwner.IndexOf(self); End; Procedure TEasyOfficeComboBoxItem.MouseDown(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); Begin Inherited MouseDown(Button, Shift, X, Y); IF (Button = mbLeft) Then Begin ReleaseCapture; fOwner.SelectItem(self); End; End; Procedure TEasyOfficeComboBoxItem.MouseDownHandler(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); Begin MouseDown(Button, Shift, X, Y); End; Procedure TEasyOfficeComboBoxItem.MouseUp(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); Begin Inherited MouseUp(Button, Shift, X, Y); IF (Button = mbLeft) Then Begin ReleaseCapture; fOwner.SelectItem(self); End; End; Procedure TEasyOfficeComboBoxItem.MouseUpHandler(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); Begin MouseUp(Button, Shift, X, Y); End; Procedure TEasyOfficeComboBoxItem.Paint; Begin Inherited Paint; Canvas.Brush.Style := bsSolid; IF (GotMouse) Then Canvas.Brush.Color := RGB(0, 0, 128) Else Canvas.Brush.Color := clWindow; Canvas.FillRect(ClientRect); End; (******************************************************************************) (******************************************************************************) (******************************************************************************) Constructor TEasyOfficeDropForm.Create(AOwner: TComponent); Begin Inherited CreateNew(AOwner); Parent := NIL; fOwner := TEasyOfficeComboBox(AOwner); BorderStyle := bsNone; Color := clWindow; DoubleBuffered := True; SetWindowLong(self.Handle, GWL_STYLE, Integer(WS_CHILD+WS_CLIPCHILDREN)); SetWindowLong(self.Handle, GWL_EXSTYLE, Integer(WS_EX_LEFT+WS_EX_LTRREADING+WS_EX_RIGHTSCROLLBAR)); Scroller := TScrollBox.Create(self); Scroller.Parent := self; Scroller.BorderStyle := bsNone; Scroller.VertScrollBar.Visible := True; Scroller.VertScrollBar.Tracking := True; Scroller.HorzScrollBar.Visible := False; Scroller.HorzScrollBar.Tracking := True; Scroller.Visible := True; Scroller.Align := alClient; Scroller.OnMouseWheel := ScrollMouseWheelHandler; Visible := False; fHideTime := Now; End; Destructor TEasyOfficeDropForm.Destroy; Begin Scroller.Free; Inherited Destroy; End; Procedure TEasyOfficeDropForm.WMEraseBkGnd(var Message: TWMEraseBkgnd); Begin // Prevent erasing of the background... Message.Result := 1; End; Procedure TEasyOfficeDropForm.AdjustClientRect(var Rect: TRect); Begin Inherited AdjustClientRect(Rect); Rect.Left := 1; Rect.Top := 1; Rect.Right := ClientWidth-1; Rect.Bottom := ClientHeight-1; End; Procedure TEasyOfficeDropForm.SelectItem(Item: TEasyOfficeComboBoxItem); Begin Deactivate; fOwner.ItemIndex := Item.ItemIndex; // This emulates the Office 2003 ComboBox: // IF (fOwner.fEdit.Focused) Then Windows.SetFocus(0); //fOwner.fEdit.SetFocus; End; Function TEasyOfficeDropForm.GetItem(Index: Integer) : TEasyOfficeComboBoxItem; Begin Result := NIL; IF (Index = 0) and (Index Begin Result := TEasyOfficeComboBoxItem(Scroller.Controls[Index]); End; End; Function TEasyOfficeDropForm.GetItemCount: Integer; Begin Result := Scroller.ControlCount; End; Procedure TEasyOfficeDropForm.Deactivate; Begin Inherited; Hide; fHideTime := Now; fOwner.Invalidate; End; Procedure TEasyOfficeDropForm.ScrollMouseWheelHandler(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; WheelDelta: Integer; MousePos: TPoint; var Handled: Boolean); Begin Handled := True; IF (WheelDelta 0) Then Begin Scroller.VertScrollBar.Position := Scroller.VertScrollBar.Position - 1; End Else IF (WheelDelta Begin Scroller.VertScrollBar.Position := Scroller.VertScrollBar.Position + 1; End; End; Function TEasyOfficeDropForm.DoMouseWheel(Shift: TShiftState; WheelDelta: Integer; MousePos: TPoint) : Boolean; Var H : Integer; Control : TControl; Item : TEasyOfficeComboBoxItem; Idx : Integer; Begin Result := True; Control := Scroller.ControlAtPos(Point(0, 0), True, True); While (Assigned(Control)) and (not (Control is TEasyOfficeComboBoxItem)) do Control := Control.Parent; IF (Assigned(Control)) Then Begin Item := TEasyOfficeComboBoxItem(Control); Idx := Item.ItemIndex; // Align to the top view of the scrollbox... H := Item.Top; IF (WheelDelta 0) Then Begin Item := Items[Idx-1]; IF (Assigned(Item)) Then Begin Scroller.VertScrollBar.Position := Scroller.VertScrollBar.Position - (-H) - Item.Height; End; End Else IF (WheelDelta Begin Scroller.VertScrollBar.Position := Scroller.VertScrollBar.Position - H + Item.Height; End; End; End; Function TEasyOfficeDropForm.CalcWidth: Integer; Var I : Integer; P : TEasyOfficeComboBoxItem; W : Integer; Begin Result := 0; For I := 0 to Scroller.ControlCount-1 do Begin IF (Scroller.Controls[I] is TEasyOfficeComboBoxItem) Then Begin P := TEasyOfficeComboBoxItem(Scroller.Controls[I]); W := P.CalcWidth; IF (W Result) Then Result := W; End; End; Inc(Result, 2); End; Function TEasyOfficeDropForm.CalcHeight: Integer; Var I : Integer; P : TEasyOfficeComboBoxItem; Begin Result := 0; For I := 0 to Scroller.ControlCount-1 do Begin IF (Scroller.Controls[I] is TEasyOfficeComboBoxItem) Then Begin P := TEasyOfficeComboBoxItem(Scroller.Controls[I]); Inc(Result, P.Height); End; End; Inc(Result, 2); End; Procedure TEasyOfficeDropForm.ShowDrop(TopLeft: TPoint); Var NW, NH : Integer; Begin VertScrollBar.Visible := False; HorzScrollBar.Visible := False; NH := CalcHeight; IF (NH IF (NH 200) Then NH := 200; IF (TopLeft.y+NH Screen.Height) Then NH := Screen.Height-TopLeft.y; NW := CalcWidth; NW := NW + GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXHSCROLL); // Add the size of the scrollbar... IF (NW IF (TopLeft.x+NW Screen.Width) Then NW := Screen.Width-TopLeft.x; MoveWindow(Handle, TopLeft.x, TopLeft.y, NW, NH, True); Show; SetFocus; End; Procedure TEasyOfficeDropForm.ClearItems; Begin While (Scroller.ControlCount 0) do Begin Scroller.Controls[0].Free; End; End; Function TEasyOfficeDropForm.AddItem: TEasyOfficeComboBoxItem; Begin Result := TEasyOfficeComboBoxItem.Create(self); Result.Parent := Scroller; Result.BevelOuter := bvNone; Result.ParentColor := True; Result.Top := CalcHeight + 10; Result.Align := altop; End; Function TEasyOfficeDropForm.IndexOf(S: String) : Integer; Var I : Integer; Begin Result := -1; S := UpperCase(S); For I := 0 to ItemCount-1 do Begin IF (UpperCase(Items[I].Text) = S) Then Begin Result := I; Break; End; End; End; Function TEasyOfficeDropForm.IndexOf(Item: TEasyOfficeComboBoxItem) : Integer; Var I : Integer; Begin Result := -1; For I := 0 to ItemCount-1 do Begin IF (Items[I] = Item) Then Begin Result := I; Break; End; End; End; Procedure TEasyOfficeDropForm.AlphaSort; Function GetItemValue(Index: Integer) : String; Begin Result := ''; IF (Index = 0) and (Index End; Function CompareItems(Value1, Value2: String) : Integer; Begin IF (Value1 Else IF (Value1 Value2) Then Result := 1 Else Result := 0; End; Procedure SwapItems(Item1, Item2: Integer); Var TmpItem : TEasyOfficeComboBoxItem; Begin TmpItem := GetItem(Item1); SetChildOrder(GetItem(Item2), Item1); SetChildOrder(TmpItem, Item2); End; Procedure QuickSort(iLo, iHi: Integer); Var Lo, Hi : Integer; Mid : String; CompareRes : Integer; Begin Lo := iLo; Hi := iHi; Mid := GetItemValue((Lo + Hi) div 2); Repeat While (True) do Begin CompareRes := CompareItems(GetItemValue(Lo), Mid); IF (CompareRes Else Break; End; While (True) do Begin CompareRes := CompareItems(GetItemValue(Hi), Mid); IF (CompareRes 0) Then Dec(Hi) Else Break; End; IF Lo Begin SwapItems(Lo, Hi); Inc(Lo); Dec(Hi); End; Until Lo Hi; IF Hi iLo Then QuickSort(iLo, Hi); IF Lo End; Var I : Integer; Y : Integer; Begin IF (ItemCount 1) Then Begin Try QuickSort(0, ItemCount-1); Except End; End; Y := 0; For I := 0 to ItemCount-1 do Begin Items[I].Align := alNone; Items[I].Top := Y+200; Items[I].Align := alTop; Inc(Y, Items[I].Height); End; End; Procedure TEasyOfficeDropForm.Paint; Begin Inherited; Canvas.Pen.Color := RGB(0, 0, 128); Canvas.Rectangle(ClientRect); End; (******************************************************************************) (******************************************************************************) (******************************************************************************) Constructor TEasyOfficeComboBox.Create(AOwner: TComponent); Procedure OffsetPoly(var P: Array of TPoint; X, Y: Integer); Var I : Integer; Begin For I := Low(P) to High(P) do Begin P[I].X := P[I].X + X; P[I].Y := P[I].Y + Y; End; End; Var FontOutline : Array[1..21] of TPoint; Begin Inherited Create(AOwner); ControlStyle := ControlStyle + [csOpaque, csFixedWidth, csFixedHeight]; ControlStyle := ControlStyle - [csSetCaption]; fOwner := AOwner; Width := 150; Height := 25; Align := alNone; Inherited TabStop := False; fReadOnly := False; fItemIndex := -1; fOnChange := NIL; GotMouse := False; DoubleBuffered := True; fEdit := TEdit.Create(self); fEdit.Parent := self; fEdit.BorderStyle := bsNone; fEdit.OnExit := EditExit; fEdit.OnEnter := EditEnter; fEdit.OnKeyDown := EditKeyDown; fEdit.TabStop := True; fDropForm := TEasyOfficeDropForm.Create(self); fTrueTypeFontBitmap := TBitmap.Create; fTrueTypeFontBitmap.Width := 18; fTrueTypeFontBitmap.Height := 16; fTrueTypeFontBitmap.PixelFormat := pf24bit; fTrueTypeFontBitmap.Canvas.Brush.Color := clWhite; fTrueTypeFontBitmap.Canvas.FillRect(Rect(0,0,18,16)); fTrueTypeFontBitmap.TransparentColor := fTrueTypeFontBitmap.Canvas.Brush.Color; fTrueTypeFontBitmap.Transparent := True; FontOutline[1] := Point(0, 0); FontOutline[2] := Point(10, 0); FontOutline[3] := Point(10, 4); FontOutline[4] := Point(9, 4); FontOutline[5] := Point(9, 2); FontOutline[6] := Point(8, 2); FontOutline[7] := Point(8, 1); FontOutline[8] := Point(6, 1); FontOutline[9] := Point(6, 10); FontOutline[10] := Point(8, 10); FontOutline[11] := Point(8, 11); FontOutline[12] := Point(2, 11); FontOutline[13] := Point(2, 10); FontOutline[14] := Point(4, 10); FontOutline[15] := Point(4, 1); FontOutline[16] := Point(2, 1); FontOutline[17] := Point(2, 2); FontOutline[18] := Point(1, 2); FontOutline[19] := Point(1, 4); FontOutline[20] := Point(0, 4); FontOutline[21] := Point(0, 0); fTrueTypeFontBitmap.Canvas.Pen.Style := psClear; OffsetPoly(FontOutline, 1, 1); fTrueTypeFontBitmap.Canvas.Brush.Color := RGB(192, 192, 192); fTrueTypeFontBitmap.Canvas.Polygon(FontOutline); OffsetPoly(FontOutline, -1, -1); fTrueTypeFontBitmap.Canvas.Brush.Color := RGB(128, 128, 128); fTrueTypeFontBitmap.Canvas.Polygon(FontOutline); OffsetPoly(FontOutline, 7, 5); fTrueTypeFontBitmap.Canvas.Brush.Color := RGB(192, 192, 192); fTrueTypeFontBitmap.Canvas.Polygon(FontOutline); OffsetPoly(FontOutline, -1, -1); fTrueTypeFontBitmap.Canvas.Brush.Color := RGB(0, 0, 255); fTrueTypeFontBitmap.Canvas.Polygon(FontOutline); End; Destructor TEasyOfficeComboBox.Destroy; Begin fTrueTypeFontBitmap.Free; fDropForm.Free; fEdit.Free; Inherited Destroy; End; Procedure TEasyOfficeComboBox.HideDropDownMenu; Begin fDropForm.Hide; End; Procedure TEasyOfficeComboBox.ShowDropDownMenu; Var P : TPoint; Begin P := ClientToScreen(Point(0, ClientHeight)); IF (Parent is TEasyToolBar) Then P.y := P.y-2 Else P.y := P.y; fDropForm.ShowDrop(P); SetCapture(0); // Make sure we get the mouse events even when the mouse is still pressed... End; Procedure TEasyOfficeComboBox.CMMouseEnter(var msg: TMessage); Begin GotMouse := True; IF (Enabled) Then Repaint; End; Procedure TEasyOfficeComboBox.CMMouseLeave(var msg: TMessage); Begin GotMouse := False; IF (Enabled) Then Repaint; End; Procedure TEasyOfficeComboBox.MouseDown(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); Begin Inherited; GotMouse := True; IF (not fDropForm.Visible) and (Button = mbLeft) Then Begin IF (Now fDropForm.fHideTime+(1/24/60/60/4)) Then Begin ShowDropDownMenu; End; End; Invalidate; End; Function TEasyOfficeComboBox.DoMouseWheel(Shift: TShiftState; WheelDelta: Integer; MousePos: TPoint) : Boolean; Var Key : Word; Begin Result := True; IF (WheelDelta 0) Then Begin Key := VK_UP; EditKeyDown(self, Key, []); End Else IF (WheelDelta Begin Key := VK_DOWN; EditKeyDown(self, Key, []); End; End; Procedure TEasyOfficeComboBox.SetReadOnly(NewReadOnly: Boolean); Begin IF (NewReadOnly fReadOnly) Then Begin fReadOnly := NewReadOnly; fEdit.ReadOnly := fReadOnly; fEdit.Enabled := (not fReadOnly); Invalidate; End; End; Function TEasyOfficeComboBox.GetTabStop : Boolean; Begin Result := fEdit.TabStop; End; Procedure TEasyOfficeComboBox.SetTabStop(NewTabStop: Boolean); Begin fEdit.TabStop := NewTabStop; End; Function TEasyOfficeComboBox.GetText : String; Begin Result := fEdit.Text; End; Procedure TEasyOfficeComboBox.SetText(NewText: String); Begin fEdit.Text := NewText; End; Procedure TEasyOfficeComboBox.SetItemIndex(NewIndex: Integer); Begin // IF (fItemIndex NewIndex) Then Begin fItemIndex := NewIndex; IF (fItemIndex = 0) and (fItemIndex Begin fEdit.Text := Items[fItemIndex].Text; fEdit.SelectAll; End Else fEdit.Text := ''; IF (Assigned(fOnChange)) Then fOnChange(self); End; End; Procedure TEasyOfficeComboBox.EditExit(Sender: TObject); Begin Invalidate; End; Procedure TEasyOfficeComboBox.EditEnter(Sender: TObject); Begin fEdit.SelectAll; Invalidate; End; Procedure TEasyOfficeComboBox.EditKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); Var Idx : Integer; Begin IF ((Key = VK_UP) or (Key = VK_DOWN)) and (ssAlt in Shift) Then Begin IF (not fDropForm.Visible) Then ShowDropDownMenu Else HideDropDownMenu; Exit; Key := 0; End; Case Key of VK_UP : Begin Idx := IndexOf(fEdit.Text); IF (Idx = 0) Then Begin // Only decrease index if text match on upper/lowercase. IF (Items[Idx].Text = fEdit.Text) Then Dec(Idx); End; IF (Idx ItemIndex := Idx; Key := 0; End; VK_DOWN : Begin Idx := IndexOf(fEdit.Text); IF (Idx = 0) Then Begin // Only increase index if text match on upper/lowercase. IF (Items[Idx].Text = fEdit.Text) Then Inc(Idx); End Else Idx := 0; IF (Idx ItemCount-1) Then Idx := ItemCount-1; ItemIndex := Idx; Key := 0; End; // *********** End; End; Procedure TEasyOfficeComboBox.Paint; Var StartC, EndC : TColor; Poly : Array[1..3] of TPoint; DisplayRect : TRect; Begin Inherited Paint; DisplayRect := ClientRect; AdjustClientRect(DisplayRect); Canvas.Brush.Style := bsSolid; Canvas.Pen.Style := psSolid; Canvas.Brush.Color := clWhite; Canvas.Pen.Color := RGB(0, 0, 128); IF (GotMouse) or (fDropForm.Visible) or (fEdit.Focused) Then Begin Canvas.Rectangle(DisplayRect); Canvas.MoveTo(DisplayRect.Right-13, DisplayRect.Top); Canvas.LineTo(DisplayRect.Right-13, DisplayRect.Bottom); IF (fDropForm.Visible) Then Begin StartC := RGB(255, 213, 140); EndC := RGB(255, 173, 85); End Else Begin StartC := RGB(255, 244, 204); EndC := RGB(255, 208, 145); End; End Else Begin Canvas.FillRect(DisplayRect); StartC := RGB(221, 236, 254); EndC := RGB(129, 169, 226); End; // Down button... DrawFadedBarEx( Canvas, Rect(DisplayRect.Right-12, DisplayRect.Top+1, DisplayRect.Right-1, DisplayRect.Bottom-2), False, StartC, EndC ); Poly[1] := Point(DisplayRect.Right-9, DisplayRect.Top+((DisplayRect.Bottom-DisplayRect.Top) div 2)-1); Poly[2] := Point(Poly[1].x+4, Poly[1].y); Poly[3] := Point(Poly[1].x+2, Poly[1].y+2); Canvas.Pen.Color := clBlack; Canvas.Brush.Color := clBlack; Canvas.Polygon(Poly); // fEdit.SetBounds(DisplayRect.Left+1, DisplayRect.Top+1, DisplayRect.Right-12-DisplayRect.Left-2, DisplayRect.Bottom-DisplayRect.Top-2); fEdit.SetBounds(DisplayRect.Left+2, DisplayRect.Top+2, DisplayRect.Right-12-DisplayRect.Left-3, DisplayRect.Bottom-DisplayRect.Top-3); End; Procedure TEasyOfficeComboBox.AdjustClientRect(var Rect: TRect); Var Region : HRGN; Begin Inherited AdjustClientRect(Rect); IF (Parent is TEasyToolBar) Then Begin Rect.Left := 0; Rect.Top := 2; Rect.Right := ClientWidth; Rect.Bottom := ClientHeight-2; Region := CreateRectRgn(Rect.Left, Rect.Top, Rect.Right, Rect.Bottom); SetWindowRgn(Handle, Region, True); DeleteObject(Region); End; End; Procedure TEasyOfficeComboBox.WMEraseBkGnd(var Message: TWMEraseBkgnd); Begin // Prevent erasing of the background... Message.Result := 1; End; Procedure TEasyOfficeComboBox.Resize; Begin Inherited Resize; End; Procedure TEasyOfficeComboBox.SetFocus; Begin Inherited SetFocus; fEdit.SelectAll; End; Procedure TEasyOfficeComboBox.ClearItems; Begin fDropForm.ClearItems; End; Function TEasyOfficeComboBox.AddItem: TEasyOfficeComboBoxItem; Begin Result := fDropForm.AddItem; End; Function TEasyOfficeComboBox.GetItemCount: Integer; Begin Result := fDropForm.ItemCount; End; Function TEasyOfficeComboBox.GetItem(Index: Integer) : TEasyOfficeComboBoxItem; Begin Result := fDropForm.Items[Index]; End; Function TEasyOfficeComboBox.IndexOf(S: String) : Integer; Begin Result := fDropForm.IndexOf(S); End; Procedure TEasyOfficeComboBox.AlphaSort; Begin fDropForm.AlphaSort; End; Function EnumFontFamProc(lpelf: PENUMLOGFONT; lpntm: PNEWTEXTMETRIC; FontType: Integer; lParam: Integer) : Integer; stdcall; Var NewItem : TEasyOfficeComboBoxItem; Img : TImage; Lbl : TLabel; H : Integer; Combo : TEasyOfficeComboBox; Begin Combo := TEasyOfficeComboBox(lParam); IF (FontType = TRUETYPE_FONTTYPE) Then Begin IF (lpntm^.tmCharSet = ANSI_CHARSET) or (lpntm^.tmCharSet = SYMBOL_CHARSET) Then Begin NewItem := Combo.AddItem; NewItem.Height := 32; NewItem.Text := lpelf^.elfLogFont.lfFaceName; Img := TImage.Create(NewItem); Img.Parent := NewItem; Img.Picture.Assign( Combo.fTrueTypeFontBitmap ); Img.Align := alLeft; Img.Width := Img.Picture.Width+8; Img.Transparent := True; Img.Center := True; // GetFontLanguageInfo IF (lpntm^.tmCharSet ANSI_CHARSET) Then Begin Lbl := TLabel.Create(NewItem); Lbl.Parent := NewItem; Lbl.Alignment := taLeftJustify; Lbl.Layout := tlCenter; Lbl.Caption := NewItem.Text + ' '; Lbl.Align := alLeft; Lbl.Transparent := True; Lbl.Font.Name := 'Arial'; Lbl.Font.Size := 10; Combo.Canvas.Font.Assign(Lbl.Font); H := Combo.Canvas.TextHeight(Lbl.Caption); End Else H := 0; Lbl := TLabel.Create(NewItem); Lbl.Parent := NewItem; Lbl.Alignment := taLeftJustify; Lbl.Layout := tlCenter; IF (lpntm^.tmCharSet ANSI_CHARSET) Then Lbl.Caption := 'ABCDEFGHIJ' Else Lbl.Caption := NewItem.Text; Lbl.Align := alLeft; Lbl.Transparent := True; Lbl.Font.Handle := CreateFontIndirect(lpElf^.elfLogFont); Lbl.Font.Size := 14; Combo.Canvas.Font.Assign(Lbl.Font); IF (Combo.Canvas.TextHeight(Lbl.Caption) H) Then H := Combo.Canvas.TextHeight(Lbl.Caption); IF (H // This can be removed ... IF (H 22) Then H := 22; NewItem.Height := H; End; End; Result := 1; End; Procedure TEasyOfficeComboBox.ListFonts; Begin ClearItems; EnumFontFamilies(Canvas.Handle, NIL, @EnumFontFamProc, Integer(self)); AlphaSort; ItemIndex := 0; End; End.