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Directly editing a ListBox

Title: Directly editing a ListBox Question: How can I edit a listbox directly without the need for other components? Answer: This subject was already treated in article ID_729, I tried the code and it produced a lot of errors, besides the implementation was not satisfactory (apparently it was written by a deity!!), so here is my own implementation. The trick is placing a TEdit over the item to edit it, I've chosen to edit an item by double clicking on it or pressing the Enter key. Here is the constructor of my component: // inherited; ListEdit := TEdit.Create(Self); with ListEdit do begin Parent := Self; Visible := False; Left := 0; //choose the color that suits you. Color := clAqua; BorderStyle := bsNone; OnExit := EditExit; OnKeyPress := EditKeyPress; OnKeyDown := EditKeyDown; end; // Setting the parent of the edit to Self makes the edit looks more a part of the listbox then an edit which is placed over it, setting the BorderStyle to bsNone enhance that effect. The heart of this component is this peace of code: // if ItemIndex with Self do begin ListEdit.Height := ItemHeight; ListEdit.Width := ClientWidth; ListEdit.Visible := True; ListEdit.Text := Items[ItemIndex]; ListEdit.Top := (ItemIndex*ItemHeight)-(ItemHeight*TopIndex); ListEdit.Tag := ItemIndex; ListEdit.SetFocus; end; // This will give you access to the item you double clicked on, but what happens when you finished: // Self.Items[ListEdit.Tag]:= ListEdit.Text; ListEdit.Visible:=False; // Completing the circle and the item is edited. I exit the edit by pressing the Enter key or choosing another item. I am not really an expert in writing component and have been a while since I read on the subject, so I am very open for comment and suggestions. You can download the component with a demo or take a look at the full source of the component right here: unit EditListBox; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls; type TEditListBox = class(TCustomListBox) ListEdit : TEdit; private { Private declarations } protected { Protected declarations } procedure DblClick; override; procedure KeyDown(var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); override; public { Public declarations } constructor Create(AOwner : TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; procedure EditExit(Sender : TObject); procedure EditKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word;Shift: TShiftState); procedure EditKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char); published { Published declarations } property Align; // // put here the properties of TCustomListBox // property OnStartDrag; end; procedure Register; implementation procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('Additional', [TEditListBox]); end; { TEditListBox } constructor TEditListBox.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited; ListEdit := TEdit.Create(Self); with ListEdit do begin Parent := Self; Visible := False; Left := 0; Color := clAqua; BorderStyle := bsNone; OnExit := EditExit; OnKeyPress := EditKeyPress; OnKeyDown := EditKeyDown; end; end; procedure TEditListBox.DblClick; begin inherited; with Self do begin ListEdit.Height := ItemHeight; ListEdit.Width := ClientWidth; ListEdit.Visible := True; ListEdit.Text := Items[ItemIndex]; ListEdit.Top := (ItemIndex*ItemHeight)-(ItemHeight*TopIndex); ListEdit.Tag := ItemIndex; ListEdit.SetFocus; end; end; destructor TEditListBox.Destroy; begin ListEdit.Free; inherited; end; procedure TEditListBox.EditExit(Sender: TObject); begin Self.Items[ListEdit.Tag]:= ListEdit.Text; ListEdit.Visible:=False; end; procedure TEditListBox.EditKeyDown; begin if Key = vk_return then begin Key := vk_tab ; Self.SetFocus; end; end; procedure TEditListBox.EditKeyPress; begin if Key = #13 then key := #0; end; procedure TEditListBox.KeyDown; begin if key = vk_return then begin DblClick; end; inherited; end; end.