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Categories / Delphi / VCL

Determine the position of the taskbar

Title: determine the position of the taskbar? {1. With SHAppBarMessage } uses ShellAPI; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var tabd: TAppBarData; PosString: string; begin FillChar(tabd, SizeOf(TAppBarData), 0); tabd.cbSize := SizeOf(TAppBarData); if SHAppBarMessage(ABM_GETTASKBARPOS, Tabd) = 0 then Exit; with Tabd.rc do PosString := Format(' (%d, %d);(%d, %d) ', [Left, Top, Right, Bottom]); case tabd.uEdge of ABE_LEFT: ShowMessage('Left Position' + PosString); ABE_TOP: ShowMessage('Top Position' + PosString); ABE_RIGHT: ShowMessage('Right Position' + PosString); ABE_BOTTOM: ShowMessage('Bottom Position' + PosString); end; end; {2. With FindWindow, GetWindowRect } type TTaskBarPos = (_TOP, _BOTTOM, _LEFT, _RIGHT, _NONE); function GetTaskBarPos: TTaskBarPos; var hTaskbar: HWND; T: TRect; scrW, scrH: integer; begin hTaskBar := FindWindow('Shell_TrayWnd', nil); if hTaskbar 0 then begin GetWindowRect(hTaskBar, T); ScrW := Screen.Width; ScrH := Screen.Height; if (T.Top scrH div 2) and (T.Right = scrW) then Result := _BOTTOM else if (T.Top div 2) and (T.Bottom div 2) then Result := _TOP else if (T.Left div 2) and (T.Top then Result := _LEFT else // the last "if" is not really needed if T.Left = ScrW div 2 then Result := _RIGHT; end; end; procedure TForm1.Button5Click(Sender: TObject); var TaskBarPos: TTaskBarPos; begin TaskBarPos := GetTaskBarPos; case TaskBarPos of _LEFT: ShowMessage('Left Position'); _TOP: ShowMessage('Top Position'); _RIGHT: ShowMessage('Right Position'); _BOTTOM: ShowMessage('Bottom Position'); end; end;