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Create a parented control in a dll

// In DLL // // This is our windowed control, which also // contains more windowed controls within itself type TMyPanel = class(TPanel) fSomeControl: tMyWinControl; constructor Create(aOwner: TComponent); override; procedure updateControls(); end;... // Initialize properties here constructor TMyPanel.Create(aOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(aOwner); ...end; // This method adds this control to its parent // and initializes and adds its own controls procedure TMyPanel.updateControls(); begin // Now, here we have to set ParentWindow, // because this control is in a DLL. // Doing it otherwise will cause "Control // has no parent window" error. // We do it before we assign Parent (if we) // assign Parent first, the assignment // to ParentWindow will have no effect. // After these two assignments, our // control is contained within its parent // so, we setup the parent dependant // properties now, such as align Self.ParentWindow := TWinControl(Owner); Self.Parent := TWinControl(Owner); Self.Align = alLeft; ...fSomeControl := TMyWinControl.Create(Self); fSomeControl.ParentWindow := Self.Handle; fSomeControl.Parent := Self; fSomeControl.Align := alTop; // init more properties ...end; // In application // ...MyPanel := TMyPanel.Create(Form1); MyPanel.updateControls(); // Note that if we created the TMyPanel object in // DLL (e.g. with a call to a function that // returned the object), we should destroy it // in DLL, too, to avoid the access violation.