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Categories / Delphi / VCL

Copy-paste tstringgrids cells to-from clipboard

uses Clipbrd; //Copy procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var S: string; GRect: TGridRect; C, R: Integer; begin GRect := StringGrid1.Selection; S := ''; for R := GRect.Top to GRect.Bottom do begin for C := GRect.Left to GRect.Right do begin if C = GRect.Right then S := S + (StringGrid1.Cells[C, R]) else S := S + StringGrid1.Cells[C, R] + #9; end; S := S + #13#10; end; ClipBoard.AsText := S; end; // Paste procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); var Grect: TGridRect; S, CS, F: string; L, R, C: Byte; begin GRect := StringGrid1.Selection; L := GRect.Left; R := GRect.Top; S := ClipBoard.AsText; R := R - 1; while Pos(#13, S) > 0 do begin R := R + 1; C := L - 1; CS := Copy(S, 1,Pos(#13, S)); while Pos(#9, CS) > 0 do begin C := C + 1; if (C <= StringGrid1.ColCount - 1) and (R <= StringGrid1.RowCount - 1) then StringGrid1.Cells[C, R] := Copy(CS, 1,Pos(#9, CS) - 1); F := Copy(CS, 1,Pos(#9, CS) - 1); Delete(CS, 1,Pos(#9, CS)); end; if (C <= StringGrid1.ColCount - 1) and (R <= StringGrid1.RowCount - 1) then StringGrid1.Cells[C + 1,R] := Copy(CS, 1,Pos(#13, CS) - 1); Delete(S, 1,Pos(#13, S)); if Copy(S, 1,1) = #10 then Delete(S, 1,1); end; end;