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Calls to the abort method fail to compile

Question: When I use any of the BDE access units (DbiTypes, DbiProcs, DbiErrs), any attempt to raise a "silent exception" using calls to the abort procedure in my unit fail to compile, and I recieve the error "Statement expected, but expression of type 'Integer' found". I have looked for the DbiTypes.pas, DbiProcs.pas, and DbiErrs.pas files to check for an inconsistency, but I am unable to find these files. Where are the files located, and how can I get around this error? Answer: The DbiTypes, DbiProcs, DbiErrs units are aliased to the "BDE" unit, as declared under the IDE's main menu for Projects->Options->Directories/Conditionals->Unit Aliases. The source code for the DBE unit is located in Delphi's "doc" directory, and is named "BDE.INT". In this file, you will find that there is a constant named ABORT that has a declared value of -2. Since you want to use the procedure Abort() that is located in the SysUtils unit, you will need to fully qualify your call to the abort procedure by prefixing the name of the SysUtils unit to the Abort procedure. Example: SysUtils.Abort;