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Add a new menu entry in the system menu

Title: Add a new menu entry in the system menu Question: How can I add a new entry in the system menu ? Answer: Ever wanted to add a menu entry to your form's system menu (the menu which appears when you right click the form caption) well here you go.. (this is only an example on how to implement this idea) // declare this in the private section for your form: procedure WMSYSCOMMAND(var message: Tmessage) ;message WM_SYSCOMMAND; ... var Form1: TForm1; tempMenuitem : TmenuItem; MenuItemHandle: THandle; implementation {$R *.DFM} procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var MenuHandle : Thandle; ReturnValue : boolean; begin tempMenuitem := TmenuItem.Create(self); // Now hold the handle for the new inseted menu item MenuItemHandle := tempMenuitem.Handle; tempMenuitem.Caption := 'About..'; MenuHandle := GetSystemMenu ( handle , FALSE ) ; ReturnValue := InsertMenu ( MenuHandle, 9, MF_BYPOSITION + MF_SEPARATOR, MenuItemHandle ,pchar(tempMenuitem.Caption) ); ReturnValue := InsertMenu ( MenuHandle, 10, MF_BYPOSITION + MF_STRING , MenuItemHandle ,pchar(tempMenuitem.Caption) ); DrawMenuBar(handle); end; procedure TForm1.WMSYSCOMMAND(var message: Tmessage) ; begin If ( message.WParam = MenuItemHandle ) then ShowMessage('About click'); inherited; // end; ... // NOTE: This code was tested on delphi 4, Windows NT workstation 4