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A VCL Component to print labels (II)

Title: A VCL Component to print labels (II) Question: A simple component to print labels Answer: A simple VCL componet to print labels. A few days ago I wrote an article about a class to print labels (3156) With the help of Mike Heydon we have rewritten the class to convert it to a component and easier to use. What do we need to print labels ? 1. The size (height and width) of every label. 2. The number of labels per row. 3. The top and left margin. 4. The kind of measure: pixels,inches or millimetres. 5. The font to use. 6. And of course data to fill the labels. With the next component we can do it very simply, Im going to use a pseudo-code to explain the use of the component TPrtLabels: begin PrtLabels.Measurements:=plmInches; // plmMillimetres or plmPixels PrtLabels.Font:=FontDialog1.Font; // I get the font from a Font Dialog PrtLabels.LabelsPerRow:=4; // 4 Label per row PrtLabels.LabelWidth:=3; // only an example PrtLabels.LabelHeight:=1.5; // only an example PrtLabels.LeftMargin:=0; // only an example PrtLabels.TopMargin:=0; // only an example PrtLabels.Open; // open the printer Table.First // Im going to read a customer table while not Table.Eof do begin PrtLabels.Add(["Name","Street","City"]); // I fill the content of every label Table.Next; end; PrtLabels.Close; // close the printer and print any label pending on the buffer PrtLabels.Free; end; We need only 3 methods: Open, Add and Close. The properties that we need are: Measurements (plmInches, plmMillimetres or plmPixels) LabelsPerRow LabelWidth LabelHeight LeftMargin TopMargin Font Thanks Mike The componet: /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// unit ULabels2; { VCL Component to print labels Authors: Mike Heydon Alejandro Castro Date: 1/Abr/2002 } interface uses SysUtils, Windows, Classes, Graphics, Printers; type TPrtLabelMeasures = (plmPixels,plmInches,plmMillimetres); TPrtLabels = class(TComponent) private FFont : TFont; FMeasurements : TPrtLabelMeasures; FTopMargin, FLeftMargin, FLabelHeight, FLabelWidth : double; // Selected Measure FLabelLines, FLabelsPerRow : word; // ABS Pixels TopMarginPx, LeftMarginPx, LabelHeightPx, LabelWidthPx : integer; TabStops : array of word; DataArr : array of array of string; CurrLab : word; procedure SetFont(Value : TFont); procedure IniDataArr; procedure FlushBuffer; procedure SetDataLength(xLabelLines,xLabelsPerRow: Word); public constructor Create(AOwner : TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; procedure Add(LabLines : array of string); procedure Close; procedure Open; published property Font : TFont read FFont write SetFont; property Measurements : TPrtLabelMeasures read FMeasurements write FMeasurements; property LabelWidth : double read FLabelWidth write FLabelWidth; property LabelHeight : double read FLabelHeight write FLabelHeight; property TopMargin : double read FTopMargin write FTopMargin; property LeftMargin : double read FLeftMargin write FLeftMargin; property LabelsPerRow : word read FLabelsPerRow write FLabelsPerRow; // property LabelLines : word read FLabelLines write FLabelLines; end; procedure Register; implementation const MMCONV = 25.4; procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('Mah2001',[TPrtLabels]); end; constructor TPrtLabels.Create(AOwner : TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); FMeasurements := plmInches; FLabelHeight := 0.0; FLabelWidth := 0.0; FTopMargin := 0.0; FLeftMargin := 0.0; FLabelsPerRow := 1; FLabelLines := 1; FFont := TFont.Create; TabStops := nil; DataArr := nil; end; destructor TPrtLabels.Destroy; begin FFont.Free; TabStops := nil; DataArr := nil; inherited Destroy; end; procedure TPrtLabels.SetFont(Value : TFont); begin FFont.Assign(Value); end; procedure TPrtLabels.SetDataLength(xLabelLines,xLabelsPerRow: Word); begin if (xLabelLines+xLabelsPerRow)1 then SetLength(DataArr,xLabelLines,xLabelsPerRow); end; procedure TPrtLabels.Open; var PixPerInX,PixPerInY,i : integer; begin if (FLabelsPerRow + FLabelLines) 1 then begin SetLength(TabStops,FLabelsPerRow); SetDataLength(FLabelLines,FLabelsPerRow); // SetLength(DataArr,FLabelLines,FLabelsPerRow); Printer.Canvas.Font.Assign(FFont); Printer.BeginDoc; PixPerInX := GetDeviceCaps(Printer.Handle,LOGPIXELSX); PixPerInY := GetDeviceCaps(Printer.Handle,LOGPIXELSY); case FMeasurements of plmInches : begin LabelWidthPx := trunc(LabelWidth * PixPerInX); LabelHeightPx := trunc(LabelHeight * PixPerInY); TopMarginPx := trunc(TopMargin * PixPerInX); LeftMarginPx := trunc(LeftMargin * PixPerInY); end; plmMillimetres : begin LabelWidthPx := trunc(LabelWidth * PixPerInX * MMCONV); LabelHeightPx := trunc(LabelHeight * PixPerInY * MMCONV); TopMarginPx := trunc(TopMargin * PixPerInX * MMCONV); LeftMarginPx := trunc(LeftMargin * PixPerInY * MMCONV); end; plmPixels : begin LabelWidthPx := trunc(LabelWidth); LabelHeightPx := trunc(LabelHeight); TopMarginPx := trunc(TopMargin); LeftMarginPx := trunc(LeftMargin); end; end; for i := 0 to FLabelsPerRow - 1 do TabStops[i] := LeftMarginPx + (LabelWidthPx * i); IniDataArr; end; end; procedure TPrtLabels.Close; begin if (FLabelsPerRow + FLabelLines) 1 then begin FlushBuffer; Printer.EndDoc; TabStops := nil; DataArr := nil; end; end; procedure TPrtLabels.IniDataArr; var i,ii : integer; begin CurrLab := 0; for i := 0 to High(DataArr) do // FLabelLines - 1 do for ii := 0 to High(DataArr[i]) do //FLabelsPerRow do DataArr[i,ii] := ''; end; procedure TPrtLabels.FlushBuffer; var i,ii,y,SaveY : integer; begin if CurrLab 0 then begin if Printer.Canvas.PenPos.Y = 0 then Printer.Canvas.MoveTo(0,TopMarginPx); y :=Printer.Canvas.PenPos.Y; SaveY := y; for i := 0 to fLabelLines - 1 do begin for ii := 0 to fLabelsPerRow - 1 do begin Printer.Canvas.TextOut(TabStops[ii],y,DataArr[i,ii]); end; inc(y,Printer.Canvas.Textheight('X')); end; if (LabelHeightPx + SaveY) + LabelHeightPx Printer.PageHeight then Printer.NewPage else Printer.Canvas.MoveTo(0,LabelHeightPx + SaveY); IniDataArr; end; end; procedure TPrtLabels.Add(LabLines : array of string); var i : integer; begin if Length(LabLines)FLabelLines then begin FLabelLines:=Length(LabLines); SetDataLength(fLabelLines,fLabelsPerRow); end; inc(CurrLab); for i := 0 to high(LabLines) do if i DataArr[i,CurrLab-1] := LabLines[i]; if CurrLab = FLabelsPerRow then FlushBuffer; end; end.