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A Hotspot function with CLX

Title: A Hotspot function with CLX Question: How can we build a transparent control, like a hotspot? It is transparent, has its own hint property and you can even click on it. Answer: To do what you want, just create a descendant of TCustomControl and publish a few protected properties and events. Especially the masked property is CLX specific. To create a transparent control, all you need to do is descend from TCustomControl, publish the Masked property (or hard-code it to True at runtime), and override the Paint() virtual method. Paint() allows you to essentially create a design time frame representing the area you want transparent with an overlayed bitmap or image. Set an image and select a hotspot to trigger another event.. Example: Display a train layout and when you select a part display information about that train. Or you'll have to find some easter eggs in a bunny bitmap ;) You can call the component at run- or at designtime: procedure TThreadSortForm.initHotspot; var myhotspot3: THotspot; begin myhotspot3:= THotspot.Create(owner); with myhotspot3 do begin parent:= self; left:= 46; top:=288; width:= 50; height:= 50; hint:=('this is building STARTRAIN'); masked:= true; OnMouseEnter:= Hotspot1MouseEnter; end; end; The method changeCursor in the event OnMouseEnter() changes the cursor after the constructor, cause the masked property would hide the new cursor at mouse move time! So FCursor is for further use. unit hotspot; // march of 2005 CLX version // cause of masked property no special cursor is available // works best with onmouseEnter ;) interface uses QControls, Classes, QGraphics, SysUtils, QStdCtrls, QTypes, QForms; type THotspot = class(TCustomControl) private FFirstPaint: Boolean; FCursor: TCursor; protected procedure Paint; override; published constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; procedure changeCursor(howlong_msec: integer); property OnClick; property OnMouseDown; property OnMouseUp; property OnMouseMove; property OnMouseEnter; property OnMouseLeave; property Masked; end; procedure Register; implementation procedure THotspot.Paint; begin inherited Paint; if (csDesigning in ComponentState) then if FFirstPaint then begin FFirstPaint:= False; Width:= Width + 1; masked:= false; end else //just the formframe of design time with Canvas do begin Pen.Style:= psDot; Pen.Width:= 1; Pen.Color:= clBlack; Pen.Mode:= pmNotXor; Brush.Style:= bsClear; //brush.Style:= bsSolid; Rectangle(0,0,Width,Height); Rectangle(1,1,Width-1,Height-1); end; end; //old style in windows {procedure THotspot.CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams); begin inherited CreateParams(Params); Params.ExStyle := Params.ExStyle or ws_ex_Transparent; end;} constructor THotspot.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); Width:= 100; Height:= 100; FFirstPaint:= True; Cursor:= crHandPoint; FCursor:= crDefault; //transparentmode //controlstyle:= controlstyle -[csOpaque]; showhint:= true; masked:= true; end; procedure THotspot.changeCursor(howlong_msec: integer); var save_cursor: TCursor; begin save_cursor:= screen.Cursor; try screen.Cursor:= crHandPoint; //howlong in milliseconds sleep(howlong_msec); finally screen.Cursor:= save_cursor; end; end; destructor THotspot.Destroy; begin inherited Destroy; end; procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('PascalScript', [THotspot]); end; end. //STARTRAIN // start train // start rain // star train