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Categories / Delphi / Variables

Shortmonthnames - an array of days of the month names, starting 1 = jan

var ShortMonthNames : array[1..12] of string; array[ 1] := 'Jan'; array[ 2] := 'Feb'; array[ 3] := 'Mar'; array[ 4] := 'Apr'; array[ 5] := 'May'; array[ 6] := 'Jun'; array[ 7] := 'Jul'; array[ 8] := 'Aug'; array[ 9] := 'Sep'; array[10] := 'Oct'; array[11] := 'Nov'; array[12] := 'Dec'; Description The ShortMonthNames variable provides an array of short string names of the months of the year. Since it is an array, you can update the default values (set by the Windows locale), but this is not advised. Related commands LongDayNames An array of days of the week names, starting 1 = Sunday LongMonthNames An array of days of the month names, starting 1 = January ShortDayNames An array of days of the week names, starting 1 = Sunday Example code : Show the month name of month 12 var month : string; begin month := ShortMonthNames[12]; ShowMessage('Month 12 = '+month); end; Show full unit code Month 12 = Dec