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Longtimeformat - long version of the time to string format

var LongTimeFormat : string; Description The LongTimeFormat variable provides the long (extended) formatting used for certain time to string conversions. It is used by the DateTimeToString routine when the 'tt' formatting is used. The following formatting character strings can be used in the LongTimeFormat string: h = Hour with no leading 0's hh = Hour as 2 digits n = Minute with no leading 0's nn = Minute as 2 digits s = Seconds with no leading 0's ss = Seconds as 2 digits z = Milli-seconds with no leading 0's zzz = Milli-seconds as 3 digits Notes The default value is calculated from LOCALE_ITIME and LOCALE_ITLZERO Related commands DateTimeToStr Converts TDateTime date and time values to a string DateTimeToString Rich formatting of a TDateTime variable into a string FormatDateTime Rich formatting of a TDateTime variable into a string ShortTimeFormat Short version of the time to string format TimeToStr Converts a TDateTime time value to a string Example code : Illustrating customised LongTimeFormat setting var myDate : TDateTime; formattedDate : string; begin myDate := StrToTime('15:06:23.456'); // Display using the default LongTimeFormat DateTimeToString(formattedDate, 'tt', myDate); ShowMessage('15:06:23.456 using default = '+formattedDate); // Change the display formatting LongTimeFormat := 'hh mm ss (zzz)'; DateTimeToString(formattedDate, 'tt', myDate); ShowMessage('15:06:23.456 using override = '+formattedDate); end; Show full unit code 15:06:23.456 using default = 15:06:23 15:06:23.456 using override = 15 06 23 (456)