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Currencystring - the currency string used in currency display functions

var CurrencyString : string; Description The CurrencyString variable is used in currency display functions. It is used to prefix or suffix the currency amount. For example, the UK default is £, so 1.23 is displayed as £1.23 by default. Notes The CurrencyFormat value determines whether the currency string is placed before or after the amount, and whether a space is placed between it and the amount. CurrencyString = LOCALE_SCURRENCY by default. Related commands CurrencyDecimals Defines decimal digit count in the Format function CurrencyFormat Defines currency string placement in curr display functions CurrToStrF Convert a currency value to a string with formatting DecimalSeparator The character used to display the decimal point Format Rich formatting of numbers and text into a string NegCurrFormat Defines negative amount formatting in currency displays ThousandSeparator The character used to display the thousands separator Example code : Changing the currency character to a word var amount : Currency; begin amount := 12; // 12 pounds // Display with the default currency string ShowMessage('Amount = '+CurrToStrF(amount, ffCurrency, 0)); // Display with the currency shown as a word after the amount CurrencyString := 'Pounds'; CurrencyFormat := 4; // 4 means after with a space ShowMessage('Amount = '+CurrToStrF(amount, ffCurrency, 0)); end; Show full unit code Amount = £12 Amount = 12 Pounds