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Currencydecimals - defines decimal digit count in the format function

var CurrencyDecimals : Byte; Description The CurrencyDecimals variable provides a default number of decimal digits for the Format and related functions. Notes CurrencyDecimals = LOCALE_ICURRDIGITS by default. Related commands CurrencyFormat Defines currency string placement in curr display functions CurrencyString The currency string used in currency display functions CurrToStrF Convert a currency value to a string with formatting DecimalSeparator The character used to display the decimal point Format Rich formatting of numbers and text into a string NegCurrFormat Defines negative amount formatting in currency displays ThousandSeparator The character used to display the thousands separator Example code : Change the default decimal digits from 2 to 4 var amount : Double; begin amount := 1234.567; // Display the amount using the default decimal digits (2) ShowMessage('Amount = '+Format('%m', [amount])); // Redisplay the amount with 4 decimal digits CurrencyDecimals := 4; ShowMessage('Amount = '+Format('%m', [amount])); end; Show full unit code Amount = £1,234.57 Amount = £1,234.5670