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Tsearchrec - record used to hold data for findfirst and findnext

type TSearchRec = record Time : Integer; Size : Integer; Attr : Integer; Name : TFileName; ExcludeAttr : Integer; FindHandle : THandle; FindData : TWin32FindData; end; Description The TSearchRecord record type defines a data structure used to hold file search information for the FindFirst and FindNext routines. Time = Last modified file date and time Size = File size in bytes Attr = File attributes Name = File name Where Attr can have these values : faAnyFile : Any file faReadOnly : Read-only files faHidden : Hidden files faSysFile : System files faVolumeID : Volume ID files faDirectory : Directory files faArchive : Archive files Note : TFileName is a simple string type, but is used to hold file names. The remaining fields are used internally by the find routines - you should not update them. Related commands FileSearch Search for a file in one or more directories FindClose Closes a successful FindFirst file search FindFirst Finds all files matching a file mask and attributes FindNext Find the next file after a successful FindFirst Example code : Find all Unit1.d* regular file names and sizes in the current directory var searchResult : TSearchRec; begin // Try to find regular files matching Unit1.d* in the current dir if FindFirst('Unit1.d*', faAnyFile, searchResult) = 0 then begin repeat ShowMessage('File name = '+searchResult.Name); ShowMessage('File size = '+IntToStr(searchResult.Size)); until FindNext(searchResult) <> 0; // Must free up resources used by these successful finds FindClose(searchResult); end; end; Show full unit code File name = Unit1.dcu File size = 4382 File name = Uni1.dfm File size = 524 File name = Uni1.ddp File size = 51