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Pwidechar - pointer to a widechar

PWideChar = ^WideChar; Description The PWideChar type holds a pointer to a WideChar value. It can also be used to point to characters within a WideString, as in the example code. As with other pointers, integer arithmetic, such as Inc and Dec can be performed on a PWideChar variable, also shown in the example. Notes PWideChar is principally used when processing null-terminated (C-like) strings. Related commands $ExtendedSyntax Controls some Pascal extension handling Dec Decrement an ordinal variable Inc Increment an ordinal variable PAnsiChar A pointer to an AnsiChar value PChar A pointer to an Char value PWideString Pointer to a WideString value WideChar Variable type holding a single International character WideString A data type that holds a string of WideChars Example code : Display all characters in a string var myWideString : WideString; myWideCharPtr : PWideChar; i : Integer; begin // Create a string of WideChar's myWideString := 'Hello'; // Point to the first character in the string myWideCharPtr := Addr(myWideString[1]); // Display the string ShowMessage(myWideCharPtr); // Now increment the pointer Inc(myWideCharPtr,2); // And see what is shows now ShowMessage(myWideCharPtr); // Display all characters in the string while i <= Length(myWideString) do begin ShowMessage(myWideCharPtr^); Inc(i); Inc(myWIdeCharPtr); end; end; Show full unit code Hello llo